Record your Podcast Guests
I’ve tried multiple different recording tools to capture conversations with podcast guests, but Zencastr wins my vote. Here’s why it’s a no-brainer to use it to record all of your podcast interviews.
5 Reasons for using Zencastr
Unlimited 1:1 podcast interviews for free
- No software download required
- A Separate Track Per Guest
- Records in Lossless WAV
- Add Notes to your track as you record
I recorded a podcast interview yesterday with fiction author David Penny who writes historical mysteries, and is currently on book 6 of his series. I thought it be interesting to get him on the podcast so we can present a balanced nonfiction and fiction point of view. I’ve seen a growing trend in fictional travel memoirs, and even travel memoirs that are nonfiction, still need to follow story arcs and the flow of a fiction book in order to be interesting to the reader. So between us, no matter what type of travel book you’re writing, our approaches will have you covered.
My base camp during the day is usually shrouded in an aura of calm but the neighbors across the street are getting their front step tiled so currently there is a drill going nonstop to break loose the existing tiles, so I had to find a quiet spot in the garage to record the podcast. My laptop was on the ping-pong (table tennis) table and I was sitting on the short stool so that my computer cable could reach the electrical outlet. David on the other hand was in Spain.
Slow Internet Connection?
There’s always a challenge when you have an a podcast with somebody with a slow Internet connection (or you’re tucked away in the garage away from a strong wi-fi signal). It’s usually me in Turkey that has the speed challenges. But when you use Zencastr you don’t have to worry about internet speed. The beauty of this tool is that it records audio at source and you don’t have to Download any software. You just log onto Zencastr and start a call, and send a link to your podcast guest.
Your audio is recorded on your computer and their audio is recorded on their computer. At the end of the call the individual soundtracks uploaded to your Zencastr dashboard, and they’re available for you to download. As well as being a higher quality audio track you have separate tracks. So if it any point you and your guest to talking over each other you can split the track and realign it in order to keep the audio in tact.
Our discussion started focused on the tools we use to write and publish our books and of course because it was David we meandered and touched on multiple topics! We chatted for about an hour and 15 minutes and I’m going to use this soundtrack to slice and dice into short episodes on specific topics the first one is going to be about using scrivener and scrapple to write your book.
Writing Tools: Scrivener & Scapple
It was interesting to talk to David to find out how he uses Scrivener and Scapple differently than me. He’s writing fiction and and I’m writing nonfiction but there’s also a lot of overlap about how we use these two amazing writing tools. One thing we do have in common is our passion for Scrivener. And if you’re thinking of becoming a writer you need to invest in some writing software to streamline your content creation.
As somebody who wrote that first travel guide in Microsoft Word, I know first hand, how much better it is to write nonfiction content in a custom writing tool than in word processing software. Word is fine for short-form content, but if you have a 50k word travel guide, it’s a beast to edit, and shuffle content around.
That’s informative. thanks for sharing