I’m currently working on BOOK ONE is a series of four books to help streamline your Travel Guide writing journey. Whether you’re a part-time or full-time author your time is precious, so this writing series will speed up the creative process. Each book demystifies the steps involved and provides you with the information and tools to achieve your self-publishing goals and earn some passive income.
Here’s a summary of the four books in the series:
1. How to Write a Travel Guide, Book 1: PLAN IT
- I’ll take you on a journey from the initial brainstorming of your ideas to framing it into a viable book concept. You’ll have all the pieces of the puzzle in place to move onto Book 2 and start the writing process.
2. How to Write a Travel Guide, Book 2: PEN IT
- As well as covering the core travel writing principles and choosing your writing style and tone, we’ll also look at how to organize and structure your content. This is key if you want to get your travel guide over the finish line. You’ll discover how all of the major travel guide publishers organize their content and I’ll help you evaluate the best approach for your travel guide.
3. How to Write a Travel Guide, Book 3: PUBLISH IT
- There are multiple paths to publication, but I’m going to help you self-publish your travel guides in e-book and print-on-demand version. I’ll provide you with best practices and time-saving tips for getting your book into the right distribution channels, and into the hands of your readers.
4. How to Write a Travel Guide, Book 4: PROMOTE IT
- You will need to start marketing your book even before it’s available at book retailers, but this is the 4th book in the series because you will need to define your long-term content marketing strategy in order to keep your book in the forefront of your reader’s minds. It’s a constant cycle of marketing and promotion, and I’ll show you how to leverage your travel blog and social media channels to raise your book’s profile.
As you can see, each book covers a distinct set of activities needed to get your thoughts organized. By the end of the series you will know how to plan and write your guide book, and learn the tools and techniques required to publish, distribute, and market the hell out of it.
Together, this “How to Write a Travel Guide” series will take you from the seed of an idea to passive income.
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Read more articles in my How to Write a Travel Guide Series
I’m putting the finishing touches on my How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide Series, which details a step by step approach for writing and producing your own travel guide. It’s part of a four-part series aimed at helping travel bloggers achieve passive income based on their passions and existing content.