Is there no end to Scrivener’s Talents?
I’ve historically used Scrivener to write my travel guides, manage blog content and centralize my freelance writing gigs, but now I’ve just taken Scrivener to a whole new level in my world. I don’t think I’d truly realized the raw potential of this fabulous writing tool up until now.
Scrivener for Social Media – Centralized Content is King!
I’ve started using a Scrivener Binder to centralize my Social Media Plan for one of my e-Commerce Clients. I’ve been playing around with the folder structure and layout for a couple of months now, but have finally created a folder structure that’s easy to work within and simple to manage.
Let me walk you through my Binder set up for Social Media Content Management:
Content Labels
I started out with a 3 labels (Inspiration, Key Events and Ideas) because I wanted to keep the label structure simple. But as the volume of content increased I added more labels along the way.
TIP: Let your Label structure grow based on the needs of your Binder. Evolve and grow it (or reduce it), to keep the selection and usable and simple to manage as possible.
Folder Structure

Brand Strategy and Social Media Strategy
The first two folders are for BRAND STRATEGY and SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY. The content is pretty self-explanatory, and as the project evolves I’ll add more content to these sections.
I imported all of the Social Media logos and icons into the ICON feature and added them to the Project package so that I can add them to the binder.
A couple of the networks aren’t being managed at the moment which is why they have the CHECK MARK instead of a logo. This is a great visual reminder that they’re still a work in progress.
Social Media Theme
This section has a folder for each month, and it’s where I centralize the source and reference content for each month’s SOCIAL MEDIA THEME content strategy and content.
I’m using ICONS to indicate the status of the Theme:
- A Green Flag indicates the Theme is approved
- A Orange Flag indicates the Theme has been identified but not yet approved
- A Check Mark indicates I need to research and define the theme
When I come across relevant content, I store it in the appropriate month and then use it to create my Content Strategy and Social Media activity for the month.
Product Promotions
I’ve been collecting all the information related to PRODUCT PROMOTIONS in this folder. Each promotions folder has the reference images and art used for the event, and tracks the social media activity and level of engagement.
I’m using ICONS to indicate the status of the Promotion:
- A Green Flag indicates the Promotion is completed
- A Orange Flag indicates the Promotion is in progress or on-going
- A Check Mark indicates an upcoming Promotion event
It’s easy to spot the Strategy folder (it’s the grey Promo Partners folder) and it includes a sub-folder marked with a Lightbulb ICON, which is full of ideas about potential promo partners.
Industry Events
I’ve just started to capture the INDUSTRY EVENTS and am summarizing the activities and event’s key speakers so I can connect with all of them on Social Media.
Community Involvement
In the COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT folder I’m capturing the Strategy, Reference Material and Related Blog Posts for the community collaboration initiative we’re supporting.
This INFLUENCERS section is fast becoming the most populated folder in the binder. I’ve created folders for:
- Designers
- Bloggers
- Magazines
- TV Networks and Shows
- Retail Industry
- Competitors
And in each of these folders I’m collecting the Social Media Influencers across the niche. The ICONS I’m using are my trusty CHECK MARK to indicate that I haven’t leveraged these Influencers yet, and the INFORMATION ICON for the main folders.
Social Media Community
This is my miscellaneous section that is bound to evolve over time. It include ideas about how to grow our Social Media Community. I think this probably lives in the Social Media Strategy but for now I’m huddling this down the bottom and see if it grows.
Social Media Management Summary
This folder started off as a way to centralize the Social Media Strategy and Best Practices by network, but evolved into a full on Content Management Binder for everything to do with this Social Media Client.
I’m so happy with the way this Scrivener Binder has evolved and grown, and look forward to seeing how it evolves over time. It’s really help to streamline how I manage all of the content and research, and it’s a handy way of collating content in a COMPILE.
Find out how to set up your #Scrivener binder to create a social media content marketing plan. #blogging #amwriting Click To Tweet
I highly recommend Scrivener for writers. You won’t regret using it.