My 3rd Travel Writing Prompts Workbook is now available
I’ve put together a series of free Travel Writing Prompt Workbooks inspired by my “Freewriting for Travel Writers” ebook and paperback.
Each free PDF contains 10 Travel Writing Prompts taken from my Freewriting book along with two pages to capture your creative writing. This workbook also includes two pages to capture ideas and flashes of inspiration that come to you during your freewriting session.
Click here to visit my Free Downloads page to see all of the Workbooks available
The 3rd #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE. Click To TweetMy book “Freewriting for Travel Writers” introduces you to the concept and approach for freewriting so that you can put it into practice straight away. Learn when to use it and how to overcome the challenges travel writers face. I show how you can create your own travel writing prompts, but have also included a list of 100 travel writing prompts to inspire your next freewriting session.
Just because you write nonfiction, doesn’t mean you can’t write creatively. So make today the day you invest in your writing career to improve your writing and increase you ability to reach more readers. It is all too easy to get stuck in an educational or informational rut when writing nonfiction, but as soon as you tap into the inspirational side of a topic, you’re creating content that is no longer one-dimensional.
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Visit Amazon to purchase your copy of Freewriting for Travel Writers