Throw Back Thursday
At one of our earlier online indie author fringe conferences it was exciting to rub shoulders with best selling author David Penny, and career journalist Porter Anderson. All three of us were on the social media desk at Foyles Bookstore London, during the live segment of the conference, tweeting what was happening, as it was happening, to the audience members who couldn’t attend the live event.
When you’re focused on listening to speakers for soundbites so that you can live tweet shareable quotes, the time flies. We were all tracking feedback and questions from the audience via our phones and tablets, and making sure that as many people as possible could be part of the event via our laptops.
It was a fast-paced experience, and an exercise in getting your ears, eyes and fingers to coordinate effortlessly. I haven’t done one of these lives tweet-fests since, but it was a joy to learn tech tips from David and social media tips from Porter.
Mine and David’s paths have crossed frequently, and he’s my go-to resource for what’s hot and what’s not (worth bothering about) in the tech segment of the self-publishing world.
Meet my fellow Tweeters: Porter Anderson
Porter Anderson is a career journalist whose venues have included three of Time Warner’s CNN networks, the Village Voice, Thought Catalog, Publishing Perspectives, The Bookseller, The FutureBook, the Dallas Times Herald, Dallas Observer, D Magazine, the Tampa Tribune, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, and other media.
He is Editor-in-Chief of Publishing Perspectives, the Frankfurt Book Fair-owned magazine focused on the international publishing scene and founded in 2009 by the German Book Office in New York City.
Anderson co-founded The Hot Sheet with Jane Friedman, former publisher of Writer’s Digest and now teaching at the University of Virginia. The Hot Sheet is the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors, delivered every other Wednesday via email. With a brand promise of “no drama, no hype,”
Meet my fellow Tweeters: David Penny
David Penny is the author of the Thomas Berrington series of historical novels set in the last remnants of Moorish Spain.Published at an early age,
David is the author of four science-fiction novels which appeared between 1975-79 published by Robert Hale. He has now returned to writing after a break of over 30 years and chosen to pursue an independent publishing route.
Visit David’s website at: www.davidpennywriting.com/
Our next Indie Author Fringe Event
To find out all about our next free online author event scheduled for October 14th – visit our Indie Author Fringe conference website.
#THT looking back at a #twitterfest at #FoylesBookshop Click To Tweet