Tag: Show don’t tell

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#20: Resources and Writing Tips for your Travel Guide Research Trip
In this 10-minute show travel writer Jay Artale talks about research trip resources, and how to use your senses to capture notes for show don’t tell travel narratives and anecdotes.

Improve your Travel Writing with a Sense of Taste
Using your sense of taste creates a physical and emotional reaction to your travel writing, and provides a scene your reader can relate to.

Improve your travel writing with a sense of hearing
Using your sense of hearing creates a soundscape backdrop to your travel writing, and provides a memorable scene your reader can get absorbed into.

Improve your travel writing with your sense of smell
Your goal as a travel writer is to transport your reader to a place or time to experience smells for themselves through their stored memories, rather than just sharing how you experienced it.

Improve your travel writing with your sense of sight
This article is the first in a series of articles about using your five senses to improve your travel writing. This article introduces your sense of sight.

5 ways to make your travel writing POP!
Here’s five quotes from Guardian Travel Writers about how to improve your travel writing. I’ve included their travel writing quote, and then provided my insights to highlight how their advice can be interpreted and used as part of your travel writing adventures