Tag: Self-publishing

Free Self-Publishing Advice from Amazon KDP
KDP Jumpstart is a free Self-Publishing resource from Amazon KDP.

A Beginners Guide to Google Play Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Google Play Books to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Kobo Writing Life
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Kobo Writing Life to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Barnes & Noble Press
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Barnes & Noble Press to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Apple Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Apple Books. You can create gorgeous interactive books, but is it worth the effort?

A Beginners Guide to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
This article is part of my Beginner’s Guide to Self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers series and takes a closer look at publishing with Amazon KDP.

5 Reasons why Travel Bloggers should self-publish
If you feel you have a viable travel guide idea, don’t wait around for a traditional publisher to take a chance on your book. Self-Publishing is an obvious choice for travel bloggers who want to publish their own travel guide.

Interview with Adventure Author Jon Doolan
Author interview with Adventure Author Jon Doolan, who shares his tips and insights for his adventure guides and his book series about writing, self-publishing, and book promotion for adventure writers.

Travel Bloggers do you want to self-publish a travel guide?
Travel Bloggers do you want to self-publish a travel guide but don’t know where to start? My four book series takes you from the planning and writing stages, through the self-publishing and book marketing stages. I provide advice and tips to help you make informed decisions that will save you time and money.

Jay Artale is part of the Self-Publishing Advice Online Conference
I’m part of a joint audio presentation with Derek Murphy, Fancy Becoming A Digital Nomad? How To Travel The World As You Write, Publish and Sell Your Books

Go Digital or Go Home: Is it time to self-publish an ebook?
Why travel bloggers should go digital and publish an e-book. You have lots of content on your travel blog, so maybe its time to collate it into an e-book travel guide.