Tag: Scrivener

What Travel Writing software do you use?
Looking for alternatives to word processing programs to streamline your travel writing process? Scrivener is my favorite writing tool for books and blog posts.
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#10: The Benefits of using Scrivener for Non-Fiction AND Fiction
In this 10 minute show travel writer Jay Artale is joined by fiction author David Penny. Listen to how Scrivener is versatile for fiction and non-fiction authors alike.

My Writing Life: Voice to Text and Canva
Read about the Technology and App discoveries that have streamlined my writing and content creation process this week.

How to use Scrivener to Manage and Schedule your Blog
Using Scrivener for Blogging. Here’s a guest post from Karen Prince who uses Scrivener to plan and create her blog posts. Learn how to set up your binder to streamline your content management.

Easier Import from Scrivener Compile into Vellum
Scrivener and Vellum have just announced an update to their software, making it easier to use these two programs together and preserve your formatting when compiling out of Scrivener into Vellum.

How To Use Scrivener To Manage Your Social Media Content and Strategy
I started using the Scrivener writing software to manage my Content Strategy and Social Media Management. This article explains the Binder and Folder Structure and how I’m using Icons to tag my content.

3 Scrivener features to keep your guest blogging on track
These 3 Scrivener Guest Blogging Tools will help to keep your blog writing on Track. The Synopsis, Document Notes & Project Target Window handy visual reminders, especially when you’re freelancing.

Using Scrivener to write your non-fiction book
Writing a non-fiction book I thought I’d share my approach for creating my “How to Write a Travel Guide” in Scrivener,…

Tools And Resources For Authors And Writers
Here’s my reference page of Resources For Authors And Writers, and includes all of the invaluable tools that I couldn’t…

Using Scrivener to Plan & Write my Travel Guide Series
Scrivener is a valuable tool for non-fiction authors, and is especially useful when planning and writing your travel guide.