Tag: Print on Demand

Print on Demand Title Transfer Instructions from Amazon KDP Expanded Distribution to IngramSpark
Here’s how to transfer title ownership from Amazon to Ingram Spark, after I opted out of Expanded Distribution through KDP.

How does Amazon Expanded Distribution work?
Not sure whether Amazon Expanded distribution is right for your paperback? Here’s how it works and what you need to know before your check the expanded distribution box in your KDP dashboard.

How to remove your paperback from KDP Expanded Distribution to sell your book via IngramSpark
What happens if you chose Expanded Distribution for your paperback through Amazon KDP and then change your mind after you’ve published? I ran into duplicate ISBN issues when I tried setting up my title through IngramSpark, and here’s how I handled expanding my distribution network, without having to set up a new book listing on Amazon or assign a new ISBN.

Benefits & Disadvantages of self-publishing a Print on Demand paperback
Read about the benefits and disadvantages of self-publishing a POD paperback, before you decide on your indie author publishing strategy.

Case Study: How I used PDF Index Generator software for a paperback anthology
Here’s some tips about how I used PDF Index Generator software to create an Index in a new paperback anthology about Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Choosing Book Index Software & Options for your nonfiction paperback
Authors of nonfiction paperbacks need to create a table of contents and a robust index. Here are the tools you can use to create an index for your paperback.

Freewriting for Travel Writers Print Version available
I’m happy to announce that my “Freewriting for Travel Writers” book is available in Print for the first time.

Print version of Freewriting for Travel Writers in the works
I decided it was time to bring out a print version of Freewriting for Travel Writers. At the moment I’m working on the internal formatting and new cover, which you can see here.