Tag: Podcast

Book Marketing Tips from 10 Travel Writers #3
We interviewed 10 travel writers to get their take on marketing and promoting their travel book. Find out which techniques have worked to sell more books and reach more readers.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#29: Tips for Writing your Nonfiction Book Description
Do you need some straight-talking tips to improve the quality of your book description? This 10 minute podcast offers tips specifically for nonfiction writers to entice readers to buy more books.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#28: Rachel Malek talks about her travel research process
Do you know what travel information is important to your audience. In this podcast episode we look at a case study of a millennials travel research.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#27: Do you know your ebook distribution options?
In this 10-minute podcast episode we look at the two different ebook distribution options available to you, if you want to avoid just go exclusive with Amazon.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#26: Should you go Exclusive with Amazon KDP?
In this 10-minute podcast we look at 3 different publishing strategies to consider and the benefits and drawbacks of Amazon KDP exclusivity:

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#25: Using your Five Senses to improve your travel writing
In Episode #25 of our How Travel Writers Self-Publish we discover how to use your five sense to improve your travel writing. This 10-minute episode will catapult your writing.

Free tool for marketing your podcast on social media
Here’s an evaluation and step by step instructions for using the FREE Wavve online software for marketing your podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

News Flash: Apple Podcast updates their category list
Apple Podcast updated this list of show categories in July, so check with your podcast hosting company to make sure your update your category listing.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#15: How to future-proof your nonfiction writing niche
In this first-hand experience, Jay talks about how a coup in Turkey and the Syrian refugee crisis was the perfect storm that saw the slow demise of a travel writing niche she’d spent years developing, and how she developed a Plan B.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#14: How to create your non-fiction title
In this 10 minute show travel writer Jay Artale covers how to create an effective nonfiction title to entice your readers to buy your book.

Roundup of the best Travel Writing Articles, Books, and Podcasts
Here’s my roundup of the best travel writing articles, books, and podcasts that were published in March. Read these for valuable advice and inspiration on your own travel blogging and writing journey.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#13: The 4 Key Elements of Content Marketing for Beginners
This podcast focuses on a generic overview of the four elements you need to plan for in order to develop an effective content marketing plan. Use your Point of View and Audience definition to craft targeted content on platforms that support your brand’ authenticity.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep12: Publishing a Fictional Travel Memoir
This week our podcast features fictional travel memoir author John Meyer. He talks about his writing process and what book marketing techniques have worked in this travel niche.
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#10: The Benefits of using Scrivener for Non-Fiction AND Fiction
In this 10 minute show travel writer Jay Artale is joined by fiction author David Penny. Listen to how Scrivener is versatile for fiction and non-fiction authors alike.

5 Reasons for using Zencastr to Record your Podcast Interviews
Are you looking for a free #podcasting tool to help you record, manage, and edit your podcast show? Try #Zencastr. It records audio at source so it doesn’t matter how bad your internect connection is.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#8: How to Research your Travel Book idea using Amazon
Listen to our latest 20 minute podcast to find out how to Research your Travel Book idea using Amazon, and pinpoint the research elements you need to focus on.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#7: How to reach more readers with your travel blog content
In our latest How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast we cover how to reach more readers with your travel blog content.

My Writing Life: Podcasting for Beginners
How I use GarageBand and Podbean to record, edit, and publish my How writers self-publish podcast.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#6: How to Brainstorm a viable Travel Guide idea
Listen to this 20 minute podcast to learn how defining your theme and angle helps to differentiate yourself against other books in your travel niche. Also pick up brainstorming tips for generating book ideas.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#5: What Travel Guide Category should you write in?
An introduction to the major travel guide categories: Destination, Side Trip, Special Interest, Event Specific, Journey, Culinary, and Advice Travel Guides, and a look at the key considerations when writing each category.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#4: How to become a local travel guide author
In our How Travel Writers Self-Publish podcast we cover how to research and get inspired to become a local travel guide author.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#3: How to improve your Travel Writing by FreeWriting
In our How Travel Writers Self-Publish podcast we cover how to improve your travel writing by using a creative freewriting technique.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#2: How to Collaborate with other Authors
This week or podcast features memoir author Joe Cawley, author of the Ketchup trilogy. He’s sharing his tips and insights about how authors can collaborate to increase book sales.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#1: From Travel Blogger to Author
In episode 1 of our How to Self-Publish a Travel Book Show we cover five reasons why travel bloggers and writers should leverage their content to become authors.

Our new How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start? This new self-publishing podcast will help you write, publish, and sell your books.

How Travel Bloggers leverage their content to reach a bigger audience
To take your travel blog to the next level by building your brand awareness and establishing your subject matter expertise you need to expand your content offerings over and above simple blog articles. Here’s some Content Marketing options to consider.

Our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast is featured
Lori Puma put together a comprehensive list of 33 writing podcasts with recommended episodes and our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon for ALLi has made the list.

Listen to my January Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast
In our Alliance of Independent Authors’ Self-Publishing podcast for beginners, Michael La Ronn and I discuss our 2017 writing achievements and make a commitment for what we’d like to achieve in 2018.

Our latest Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Podcast is out
Join Michael and Jay as they extoll the virtues of the indie author triangle of success:the right mindset, effective writing tools (that work for you), and a strong support network. #AskALLi Self-Publishing Podcast.

Recharge your social batteries with a Podcast
If you’re an introvert that is surrounded by family and friends this year you may need to take some time for yourself to recharge your social batteries. Here’s some podcasts for your alone time.