Tag: Guest Article

Author Interview with traveloguer Kandy Ostrosky
Memoirst Kandy Ostrosky shares the story behind her self-publishing journey and passions for travel and volunteering.

5 Tips for Writing a Travel Journal to turn into a Book
5 Tips for Writing a Travel Journal that make it easer to turn into a Book

Author Interview with Memoirst Alyson Sheldrake
Algarve expat Alyson Sheldrake shares her publishing journey for her Portugal themed travel memoirs.

8 Simple Tips For Editing Your Own Book
Here are 8 simple tips to follow to make light work of your editing work. Editing your own book is a challenge but, by giving your work a close reading, you can become a better writer.

Author Interview with Memoirst Ruth Hampson
Memoirst Ruth Hampson shares the story behind her self-publishing experience for her part memoir, part travelogue.

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 3)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of working with an editor. She shares the lessons she learned during the line editing process

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 2)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of finding an editor. She shares the lessons she learned during the process of writing and editing her first book.

5 Reasons to Contribute to an Anthology
Jon Doolan is the editor and publisher of an Adventure Anthology series, and in this guest post he shares 5 reasons why it’s a good idea for writers to contribute to an anthology.

Creating a Financial Plan for your Digital Nomadic Lifestyle
Have you written your financial action plan to support your life on the road as a Digital Nomad? Nomadic Times contributor Rebecca shows you how to approach putting your plan together.

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 1)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of whether or not she needs a professional line edit. She shares the lessons she learned during the process of writing and editing her first book.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson shares tips and inspiration for writing and self-publishing travel memoirs and travel fiction based in Greece.

7 Steps to Making Money Freelancing – FAST!
Katie started freelance writing about six years ago, and she shares her 7 point plan for creating your own freelance opportunities to make money fast.

I’d Rather be a Slowmad than a Nomad
Katie Lamb shares advice about how slowing down and creating a routine can make you a happier and more productive digital nomad.

7 Cover Design Techniques to get your Non-Fiction Book Noticed
Your nonfiction book cover serves one purpose—to get people to click for more details about your book and read the description. It is a main contributor to your book’s success, and helps you sell more books.

Author Interview Carol Duval Trying Lives
House sitter Carol Duval shares her writing and publishing experience about turning her travels into a compelling Memoir with an eyecatching cover.

Author Interview with Travel Memoirist and Fiction Writer John Manuel
John Manuel retired early to move to Greece and started writing about his adopted home. He’s used his passion for the people and culture to write a series of nonfiction and fiction books.

Walking is a Great Way for Digital Nomads to Keep Healthy
Walking is a great way for digital nomads to stay in shape. Read these healthy tips from guest blogger Rebecca Brown to see how to start your daily habit.

Author Interview Bistra Yakimova of The Magic of Traveling
Bistra Yakimova used her love of writing as the impetus to become an author. Her book features The Magic of Travel as seen through the eyes of locals with knowledge and inspiration to share.

Author Interview with family man David Tucker
Find out how family man and travel writer David Tucker approached the process of writing and self-publishing his travel guide “Of Sweat and other joys”.

Author Interview with world traveler Nicos Hadjicostis
Find out how travel writer Nicos Hadjicostis mastered the art of writing and self-publishing journey to get his first book, Destination Earth.

Author Interview with Alex Hallatt
How did cartoonist Alex Hallatt blur the lines between #travelmemoir and #travelguide in her illustrated #ABasqueDiary book? Read her author interview to find out.

How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal
This guest post from Reedsy highlights the 5 key elements you need to consider when putting together your nonfiction book proposal to pitch a publisher.

Author Interview with Travel Memoirist Andy Hewitt
Andy Hewitt explored Spain and Portugal from the back of a motorcycle, and wrote a travelogue memoir of his experience. Read about his author journey and his self-publishing route.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Roy Stevenson
Prolific Travel Writer, Author, and Writing Coach Roy Stevenson shares his travel writing and self-publishing adventure with us. And explains why he chose the direct distribution method.

Author Interview with Travel Journalist Nardia Plumridge
This week we’re joined by travel journalist Nardia Plumridge who shares her insights and advice for writing, publishing, and marketing her Lost in Florence travel guide.

Author Interview with Narrative Nonfiction Travel Writer Bryanna Plog
Get inspired with how travel writer and blogger Bryanna Plog writes and self-publishes her narrative nonfiction travel books. Part Memoir, Part Travelogue.

How Publishing A Nonfiction Book Can Help You Sell Your Product
Guest blogger Martin Cavannagh from Reedsy shares his insights about four ways a book can help you sell more of your product, no matter what it is.

Author Interview with Travel Memoir writer Jean Roberts
Get inspired by travel writer Jean Roberts who wrote and published her memoir about moving to Spain.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Nancy O’Hare
Travel Writer Nancy O’Hare shares her indie author, writing, and self publishing journey to inspire you to write your own travel guide.

Author Interview with Indie Traveller Marek Bron
Author Interview with Marek Bron who shares his writing and self-publishing insights and inspiration to help others achieve their travel goals.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Frances M. Thompson
Travel Writer Frankie Thompson share her writing and self-publishing journey with us. She writes contemporary fiction inspired by travel, in short story collections.

Author Interview with fictional travel memoirist John Meyer
Join me in finding out about John Meyer’s fictional travel memoir writing and publishing adventures. His books combine facts of history with present-day drama and humor—revolving around a fictitious love story and always based on his own thrilling journeys.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Tom Fay
Hybrid author Tom Fay has established his travel writing brand around his knowledge of his adopted home of Japan, and shares his writing and self-publishing journey for his Travel Guide, which is an insider’s guide to seeing the best of Japan in one trip.

Interview with Travel Memoir Author Garett Wilson
Interview with Garett Wilson who wrote and self-published Lost in Tokyo, a travel memoir about his adventures in Japan working as an English teacher.

Author Interview with travel blogger Kashlee Kucheran
Even before my husband and I quit our lucrative corporate jobs and started our nomadic journey, we cancelled buying each stuff each…

Interview with Travel Memoir author Joyce Dickens
I think the western world is split into two groups: those who want are content to just go on holiday,…

Vegan Travel Guide Author Interview with Caitlin Galer-Unti
This week we’re joined by vegan travel guide author Caitlin Galer-Unti, who is also the inspiration behind the popular Vegan World website. Let’s find out how she approaches self publishing her niche travel guides.

Interview with Caribbean Beach Travel Guide Author Bret Sigillo
I wonder how many authors there are in the same boat as me and today’s guest author, Bret Sigillo? Neither of…

Interview with Memoir Author Grahame Elson
Interview with Memoir Author Grahame Elson, whose first self-published book covers his adventure about Six Weeks in Africa. Read about his pragmatic approach to travel writing and self-publishing.

Author Interview with Dana Zeliff of the Talking Suitcase
Dana of The Talking Suitcase travel blog writes about what she knows, and it’s this passion and familiarity with a travel destination topic that makes writing a travel guide such a viable passive income option. Read our latest author interview.

Interview with Molly McCord, Author of Cache Paris
Discover Molly McCord’s writing and self-publishing journey to bring her travel guide Cache Paris to a broader audience. She provides book marketing insights that will stand you in good stead for the marketing marathon you need to run.

Interview with Adventure Author Jon Doolan
Author interview with Adventure Author Jon Doolan, who shares his tips and insights for his adventure guides and his book series about writing, self-publishing, and book promotion for adventure writers.