Tag: ebook distribution

A Beginners Guide to Google Play Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Google Play Books to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#27: Do you know your ebook distribution options?
In this 10-minute podcast episode we look at the two different ebook distribution options available to you, if you want to avoid just go exclusive with Amazon.

A Beginners Guide to Kobo Writing Life
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Kobo Writing Life to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Barnes & Noble Press
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Barnes & Noble Press to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Apple Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Apple Books. You can create gorgeous interactive books, but is it worth the effort?

Beginners Guide to self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers
Introducing my five part series: Beginner’s Guide to ebook Self-Publishing Retailers to help you decide whether to go direct with a retailer or via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
This article is part of my Beginner’s Guide to Self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers series and takes a closer look at publishing with Amazon KDP.

3 Approaches for self-publishing your travel guides
We look at three different self-publishing format strategies based on the level of effort you’re willing to invest to become an indie author. Check out whether you should choose a simple, intermediate, or advanced plan.

Lights, Camera, Action: Draft2Digital’s New Look
Draft2Digital have just unveiled a new look dashboard and user interface for authors. There was nothing wrong with ti, but they’ve made it better anyway! Thanks D2D!

Nook Press rebranded as Barnes and Noble Press
I was interested to read about the branding of Nook Press to Barnes and Noble Press. Find out what changes they’ve made and what it means to you as a Nook direct publisher.