Tag: Digital Nomad

Extreme Nomads: A Guide to the Ultimate Adventure Lifestyle
Nomadic Times contributor, Indiana Lee, shares her tips for balancing an adventure lifestyle and being a digital nomad

Creating a Financial Plan for your Digital Nomadic Lifestyle
Have you written your financial action plan to support your life on the road as a Digital Nomad? Nomadic Times contributor Rebecca shows you how to approach putting your plan together.

I’d Rather be a Slowmad than a Nomad
Katie Lamb shares advice about how slowing down and creating a routine can make you a happier and more productive digital nomad.

The Article I Wish I’d Read Before I Became a Digital Nomad
Before you become a digital nomad, you’ll have to remove your rose-tinted glasses. Guest article from Katie Lamb.

Walking is a Great Way for Digital Nomads to Keep Healthy
Walking is a great way for digital nomads to stay in shape. Read these healthy tips from guest blogger Rebecca Brown to see how to start your daily habit.

How do Digital Nomads meet Writing Deadlines?
How do Digital Nomads meet Writing Deadlines? Nomadic Times contributor Indiana Lee shares tips and strategies to help globetrotters to keep their clients happy

Author Interview with Digital Nomad Daniel from Princes Off The Grid
The Princes family carved out a new nomadic lifestyle for themselves, learning tools, tricks, and hacks along the way, and Dan shares this knowledge in a self-published book called “Choose Life”, which is living proof that anyone can forge a better, fuller life if you’re just willing to take the risk.

Author Interview with Amy Scott from Nomadtopia
When I was planning my own untethered existence I joined Amy’s Nomadtopia community to help educate and inspire me to take that leap of faith into a nomadic existence. Amy is generous with her time and support. She shares her knowledge and expertise with others who are seeking a nomadic existence of their own, and is a location-independent lifestyle coach.