Tag: Book Marketing

Researching How to Market your Book
There’s no way I could write a book to provide advice on marketing your travel related book, unless I’d tried them as part of my own book marketing activities. Includes a list of Amazon’s top 100 books in this category.

How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal
This guest post from Reedsy highlights the 5 key elements you need to consider when putting together your nonfiction book proposal to pitch a publisher.

Publish with Purpose: A Free Virtual Summit for authors
Publish with Purpose, a virtual summit to help authors sell more books. If you need help with book marketing, don’t miss this free event.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#22: Should you pay to advertise your book? (co-host David Penny)
Ep#22: Should you pay to advertise your book? (co-host David Penny) In this 20-minute show travel writer Jay Artale chats…

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#19: Your Blog as a Promotional Tool for your Book
In this 20-minute show travel writer Jay Artale talks with Travel Memoirist Jack Scott about how to use blog content as a promotional tool for your book and get more mileage out of your blog posts.

How Publishing A Nonfiction Book Can Help You Sell Your Product
Guest blogger Martin Cavannagh from Reedsy shares his insights about four ways a book can help you sell more of your product, no matter what it is.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#17: Back to Basics – Book Marketing for Introverts
Ep#17: Back to Basics – Book Marketing for Introverts In this 10-minute show travel writer Jay Artale talks about how…

Nonfiction Book Marketing for Introverts – Back to Basics
Introvert authors often balk at marketing their books, but with a few simple steps you can create a solid foundation for your author brand. It’s time to get back to basics.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep12: Publishing a Fictional Travel Memoir
This week our podcast features fictional travel memoir author John Meyer. He talks about his writing process and what book marketing techniques have worked in this travel niche.