Tag: Book Formatting

Page Numbering Tips for Nonfiction authors
Do you want a professionally numbered nonfiction but, but aren’t sure which pages get numbered, and which don’t? Here’s how to handle blank pages, and front and back matter.

Which Amazon KDP ebook royalty rate should I choose?
Take the guesswork out of whether you should include images in your Amazon KDP ebook. Here’s a way to calculate the financial implications of choosing the 70% vs 35% royalty rate.

Case Study: How I used PDF Index Generator software for a paperback anthology
Here’s some tips about how I used PDF Index Generator software to create an Index in a new paperback anthology about Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Choosing Book Index Software & Options for your nonfiction paperback
Authors of nonfiction paperbacks need to create a table of contents and a robust index. Here are the tools you can use to create an index for your paperback.

How to Access Early Access features for Kindle Create (Beta)
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing have announced the availability of Early Access features for Kindle Create, which is relevant to travel bloggers who want to include images in their travel guides.

Essential Poetry ebook Formatting Tips
Resources for formatting a poetry book.