Tag: AskALLi Podcast

Our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast is featured
Lori Puma put together a comprehensive list of 33 writing podcasts with recommended episodes and our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon for ALLi has made the list.

Listen to my January Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast
In our Alliance of Independent Authors’ Self-Publishing podcast for beginners, Michael La Ronn and I discuss our 2017 writing achievements and make a commitment for what we’d like to achieve in 2018.

Our latest Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Podcast is out
Join Michael and Jay as they extoll the virtues of the indie author triangle of success:the right mindset, effective writing tools (that work for you), and a strong support network. #AskALLi Self-Publishing Podcast.

Podcast: Book Editing for Beginners
The topics covered in this month’s self-publishing podcast were focused around the book editing process for non-fiction and fiction – specifically aimed at beginning authors. If you’re new to the editing process, this introduction to the topic is easy to digest and deliver invaluable advice.

I’m co-hosting the Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Broadcast with Michael La Ronn
Each month I’m joining forces with fellow indie author Michael La Ronn to co-host a new self-publishing show that’s part of the Alliance of Independent Authors’ weekly broadcast schedule. Here’s our first show about Writing Tools, Styles, and Challenges.