Tag: Angle
How Travel Writers Self Publish Podcast Ep#34: A-Z of Travel Writing Tips. A is for Audience, Angle, Adjectives and…
Each episode in the A to Z podcast series provides you with inspiration to give your travel writing the TLC it needs. We’re kicking this off with letter A.

A-Z of Travel Writing Tips: A is for Audience, Action and …
Travel Writing Prompts: A is for Audience, Action, Anecdotes, Angles, Adjectives and Adverbs. Use these Travel Writing Prompts to improve your writing and make it easier to connect with your readers. No matter what you’re writing.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#6: How to Brainstorm a viable Travel Guide idea
Listen to this 20 minute podcast to learn how defining your theme and angle helps to differentiate yourself against other books in your travel niche. Also pick up brainstorming tips for generating book ideas.

How To Use Themes And Angles To Narrow Your Content Niche
So you’re writing a travel guide, but how do you compete in the marketplace alongside established brands like Lonely Planet, Rough Guides, and Moon Travel Guides?