Tag: Amazon

How to See Your Book Categories
Dave Chesson over at Kindlepreneur just published this video. It’s under 4 minutes and has some key information in it….

A Beginners Guide to Amazon’s Paperback Expanded Distribution
Before you set up your paperback on Amazon KDP, make sure you understand the impact and implications of selecting the Expanded Distribution Option.

How to Rank your Books higher on Amazon with Publisher Rocket
Guest blogger Dave Chesson shares three major ways Rocket will help you get more exposure on Amazon and sell more books!

Competitive Analysis Prompts to research your book idea
Here’s a list of prompts you can use to assess each element of your competitive research. This will help you evaluate the viability of your book idea.

Research your eBook Competition on Amazon
Step-by-step instructions for using Amazon to manually research and assess the competition for your guide book. This is a budget conscious way to complete a competitive analysis.

A Beginners guide to the pros and cons of flowable vs. fixed ebook file formats
The impact of flowable vs. fixed layout text layouts in your ebook. The pros and cons of choosing the optimal ebook file format for your content. Fixed vs. Flowable.

How and why to order author copies from Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
Both Amazon and IngramSpark let authors buy copies of their book at a reduced cost, so you can sell them direct, donate them or give them away to friends or for book marketing.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#8: How to Research your Travel Book idea using Amazon
Listen to our latest 20 minute podcast to find out how to Research your Travel Book idea using Amazon, and pinpoint the research elements you need to focus on.

Which Amazon KDP ebook royalty rate should I choose?
Take the guesswork out of whether you should include images in your Amazon KDP ebook. Here’s a way to calculate the financial implications of choosing the 70% vs 35% royalty rate.

7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle
Have you already published your books on Amazon? Then here’s a list of 7 easy steps for making the most of your presence on Kindle.

5 Tips from Dan Blank about Reaching Readers
Here’s 5 Tips from Dan Blank about Reaching Readers to inspire you to put your own personal plan together to increase your readership.