Our How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast
It’s been a while since I stepped up to the mic, but I’ve been thinking a lot about launching my new self-publishing podcast, and now that I’ve landed in Los Angeles, it seems apt that I get my presentation head on again and start sharing self-publishing and book marketing tips with travel bloggers and travel writers who want to self-publish their own travel guide, travel memoir, or other travel book.
Here’s my Self-Publishing Podcast Logo:
Here’s my Self-Publishing Podcast Description:
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start?
Welcome to the How Travel Writers Self-Publish podcast, where travel blogger and global nomad Jay Artale shares travel writing tips, self-publishing know-how, and book marketing tactics, to take you from enthusiastic blogger to self-published author.
Running and maintaining a travel blog is hard work, but there’s no better way to leverage your content and expertise, than writing a travel book. Each twenty minute episodes deliver the no-nonsense advice you need to write, publish, and promote your book. Jay clears away the clouds of confusion standing in your way of becoming a successful author. Isn’t it about time you earned passive income from a self-published travel guide, travel memoir, or other travel related book?
I’m going to cover one specific travel writing, self-publishing or book marketing tips or technique in each episode, and keep it to 20 minutes, so that you have actionable steps to follow, without having to listen for a full hour of content. Let’s face it, who has an hour to spare when you have a blog and social media to feed with content?
So many self-publishing podcasts cram too much information into one show. From first hand experience, I know this can become overwhelming, especially for travel writers who are new to self-publishing. My aim is to simplify the whole writing, publishing and promotion process so you can streamline how you absorb and put the information into action.
There are a mixed-bag of podcasts covering self-publishing, but this show is different. It’s aimed at travel writers and travel bloggers who want to self-publish. There’s no point listening to a self-publishing podcast aimed at fiction writers, if you’re writing non fiction. So don’t waste your time trying to master techniques that won’t help you sell more books.
My brand is centered around How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide, but I want to broaden the reach of this podcast to include self-publishing other travel books, including travel memoirs. This way I can share expertise and tips from other authors who write in the travel genre.
Self-Publishing Podcast episodes coming soon
I can’t wait to hit publish on the episodes I’ve recorded already, but I’m holding myself back because I want to get 6 episodes out there before I start promoting my show heavily. That way there’s 3 hours worth of self-publishing advice and tips to keep you going until I publish show seven.
Looking forward to welcoming you to my podcast audience, and if you’re a travel blogger or travel writer with self-publishing or marketing advice to share, please get in touch so I can feature you as a guest speaker.
What #selfpub topics would you like me to cover in my new How to #Selfpublish your Travel Book podcast? Each show is 20 minutes and focuses on one topic to help you write & sell books. Click To TweetEach episode covers aspects of the travel writing and self-publishing process to help travel bloggers and travel writers get their books published. Most episodes are 20-minutes long, but occasionally I’ll bring you a 10-minute episode.
Are you thinking about writing a travel guide, travel memoir, or other travel-related book? This podcast is for you!
We share tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you: write, plan, self-publish, market, and promote your travel book, so your words get into the hands of a global audience.
Be our Guest: If you’d like to share your travel writing or self-publishing knowledge with my audience, please get in touch (just fill in my form on the podcast page).
Visit our podcast page to view our full show playlist and future guest line up
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