Even if you already have an ISBN for your ebook, you’ll need a different one for your print book. Whereas you can get away with not purchasing ISBNs for your ebook, and opting for free ones from the retailer or aggregator, if you plan on joining the established publishing route of IngramSpark, you need to buy one.
Scenario 1: You’re Only Distributing Via Amazon KDP
- You can use the free Amazon KDP-issued ISBN, but that designates them as the publisher of record for your book, and that may put bookstores off from ordering your book.
- This free ISBN can only be used on the Amazon KDP version of your book.
Scenario 2: You’re Only Distributing Via IngramSpark
- IngramSpark offer a reduced cost ISBN, which is cheaper than buying your own single ISBN from a provider, but the cheaper option is to buy a block of ISBNs from the ISBN provider.
Scenario 3: You’re Distributing via IngramSpark AND Amazon KDP
- You need to buy a reduced cost ISBN from IngramSpark, or buy a block of ISBNs from the provider, and then use the same ISBN for both Amazon and IngramSpark.**
**You shouldn’t use the free Amazon KDP ISBN, and provide your own to IngramSpark because of the way the distribution agreement between the two of them is set up.
You can’t opt out of Amazon KDP distribution through IngramSpark, so you need to use the same ISBN for both companies. When IngramSpark sends your book’s data to Amazon, it gets refused because the ISBN already exists in their system, and shows that Amazon KDP are distributing your book directly through the Amazon network.
If you use different ISBNs your book could end up on Amazon with duplicate entries and that causes an issue, and both versions could end up being taken down by Amazon until the issue is resolved.
Adding your ISBN to your Cover
IngramSpark will insert your ISBN into your barcode for you with their cover template generator, so you must have it ready by the time your book hits the design phase, and they’ll email your cover template with the ISBN already positioned.
On KDP, you can either leave a blank space on your cover for Amazon to insert it during the compile phase, or you can place the ISBN on the back cover yourself. During your book setup, you will indicate which placement option you want.
Options for purchasing your own ISBNs
- Bowker U.S. ISBN Agency: bit.ly/H2-Bowker
- Nielsen U.K. ISBN Agency: https://nielsenbook.co.uk/
These are the ISBN agencies for US and UK ISBNs, but you can search for ISBN agencies in your country of residence, and you may be in luck, because some countries provide free ISBNs. You can search https://www.isbn-international.org/agencies to find where to source your country’s ISBNs from.
Here's recommendations for purchasing or using a distributor's ISBN for your paperback. Which scenario is right for you? #IndieAuthor #Selfpub Click To TweetIf you have any questions or concerns about using or buying an ISBN—just leave me a comment below.
You are doing excellent work keep updating and enjoy.
I already used the free ISBN on Amazon KDP for the paperback. What should I do for ISBNs with Ingram Spark?
To publish on IngramSpark you’ll need your own ISBN. You can buy them from Ingram, or buy your own direct, so that you become the publisher of record. Buying one is expensive, but in the US you can buy them in groups of 10 or 100 etc. So that they’re much cheaper. If you want to have your book published on Ingram – I have my own publishing imprint, and I can provide you with a single ISBN. Email me … and we can chat.
Hi, what would you recommend if we are currently displaced and do not have a company set up back home. What’s the best way to get an ISBN and keep control of our publishing rights? Would love to get your thoughts.
You don’t have to have a company to buy ISBN’s.
Jay Artale recently posted…Forget Technical and Get Creative with your Watercolours
I am interested in purchasing my own ISBNs. I have a business license for a writing and editing business under a business and will be using a pen name. Do I use the pen name or the business name as the publisher?
I’d recommend you using your Business Name as the publisher.
Jay Artale recently posted…Urban Sketching – How to Draw People
Hello, similar to others I’m currently using KDP and their free ISBN. If I purchase an ISBN so that I can use Ingram Spark and still use KDP, do I need to unpublished my books on KDP and start over?
If you use a different ISBN for IngramSpark then it’ll just mean your book is in their system twice if you chose Amazon Expanded distribution.
So if I have an ebook on KDP with my own ISBN number, do I use the same ISBN number when publishing that same ebook on Ingram Spark? Or will Amazon reject it since it is already out there on Amazon? Likewise, I am about to publish a paperback book on IS with my own ISBN and want to put the same paperback on Amazon. I gather I should use the same ISBN in this case as well?
Hi Jay, do you know of you h a v e to buy the ISBN numbers in your country of residence?Because as European you can work any time in every European country, for example in Spain without any papers.You only need a NIE for paying taxes. I wrote to the Spanish ISBN office, no answer for far. I wrote books for 100% charity and do not want to pay 30% withholding tax in the USA in my country of residence (I chose!).Thanks, Mar 🙂
I did not know what I wrote gets posted! I did not want that. Sorry for the typing mistake, s o far.Can you take that out what I wrote? Thanks, Mar
So, I’ve already published with Amazon using the free ISBN. I now would like to partner with Ingram (local bookstore interested in carrying it and Ingram is their supplier). Can I turn off expanded distribution and keep the Amazon free ISBN, then purchase an ISBN for Ingram? Or do I somewhat revoke the free Amazon and republish with a new paid ISBN for both? Would that, in effect, be starting over with reviews, etc? This is all so new to me, and zero budget, I thought Inhad read and researched plenty, but now questioning my decisions
Is there a good self-publishing company that gives authors a good percentage of their sales that is not in bed with Amazon? I wanted to publish my book with Ingram Spark but they have some deal with KDP, so I can’t use the same ISBN.
Here’s what happened:
I published my book on Amazon and bought my ISBN (expensive at $100!) Only to discover that I cannot publish my book on Ingram Spark using that same ISBN, even though I purchased it! This is terrible news as it was my plan from the beginning to publish on both platforms. That’s why I bought the ISBN. But apparently, I can’t use it elsewhere, at least not on Ingram, so I wasted my money?
Ingram Spark told me I need to “remove expanded distribution services and have the title ISBN and files transferred” to my Ingram Spark
This is frustrating because I spent years on this book–editing, re-editing, re-re-editing. It really was my baby. Now, I feel I’ve lost all the hard work I put in. I wish I’d never published with Amazon. I can’t make editorial changes in my book because Amazon’s system keeps rejecting them and their customer service is nonexistent. So I guess I’ll have to decide whether I want to shell out more money for another ISBN. I contacted Amazon re: making the transfer but who knows when I’ll hear back from them.
Right now, I can’t even promote the book or do any book signings as I am unable to make changes in the book. Amazon’s system is too difficult for me and I prefer to publish my book elsewhere, but apparently, that won’t be easy…
Here’s the message I got from Ingram Spark:
“IngramSpark is non-exclusive. You can set up your print book on your IngramSpark account and sell it through our global distribution network, plus you can use other printers, distributors, fulfillment services, or any companies you choose to work with.
With the KDP program, it is our understanding, you can use only Amazon, or, if you select their Expanded Distribution program, “your book’s ISBN must not have been submitted for distribution through another service” (such as IngramSpark) and your book must be available on Amazon.
If you are already using the expanded distribution services KDP offers then your book is already available for sale through some of the markets we offer. KDP has an account with Ingram which is how they can offer expanded distribution services. With our distribution service, an ISBN can only be listed on one account.
If you want your book available through IngramSpark and Amazon, you would have to remove expanded distribution services and have the title, ISBN, and files transferred to your IngramSpark account. You will need to have a fully set up IngramSpark account before requesting the transfer. Then your book could be available through Ingram and Amazon. If you decide to do this, there is a transfer process and an addendum that has to be completed by you, the publisher, and KDP would have to approve the transfer.