Let's get those writing muscles in shape
Are you ready to start writing that book you know you can write?
- Or maybe you've already started writing but are spinning your wheels because you're feeling overwhelmed?
Don't worry, even the most experienced authors need a little help to stay on track, and I'm here to help.
I can help you set a clear vision for your project, boost your confidence, and help you maintain your momentum to achieve your self-publishing goals.
Establish a clear vision for your book and it's content.
Gain the confidence you need to start your book.
Maintain the momentum you need to finish your book.
Being a writer means that your head is always going to be full of ideas, but you have to channel your enthusiasm into a solid writing plan. If you don't, your goal of becoming a published author will remain just outside of your grasp.
Every author has their own unique set of challenges so during our introductory coaching session we'll assess the challenges you're facing and I'll develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your author goals.
What's your story?
Every book has to have a beginning, middle, and end, and your own writing journey is no different. I offering coaching for every step along the way.
- The process of writing your non-fiction book needs to be built on a strong foundation. When you spend time in the planning stages your writing output will be more effective and successful.
- When your enthusiasm starts to wane, I will keep you accountable and on track. Authors refer to this part of the writing process as a "saggy middle" they know how they want to start and finish, but get lost in the middle. I'll help you get back on track and stay the course. Do you lack finishing energy? If you'd rather start a new project than finish the current one, then the answer is "yes". I help you get that finishing energy back so that your effort to date isn't wasted.
- You've written your book, now what? There are many confusing self-publishing decisions and choices you need to make when you've finished your book. I will help guide you through your self-publishing process and let you know the optimal path for your skill-level and budget.
Feel free to contact me for a no-commitments conversation to discuss what your options are. I can coach you from beginning to end of your book project, or just help you through a specific segment the you're struggling with.
Send Jay an email with an overview of what you're struggling with birdsofafeatherpress (at) gmail.com.
Author Testimonials
Thank you as always for walking us through this. I've noticed that when I've had questions lately, I've gone back and looked at your previous emails and often you've quite clearly explained what it is that I'm now struggling with; you're often a step ahead of us! Thanks for your help and advice on all of this!
Alison Ozawa Sanders, co-Author, Expats Guide to Singapore
Thank you SO MUCH. You've put so much thought and effort into [our project], and we're grateful.
Jessica Duff, co-Author, Expats Guide to Singapore

Our deepest gratitude goes to Jay Artale, our special project editor, who took this anthology under her wing. This book would not have come together without her vision, organization and hard work. We are all greatly indebted to her.
The Author Team at AlzAuthors (Jean Lee, Kathryn Harrison, Marianne Sciucco, Vicki Tapia, Ann Campanella, and Irene Olson)
Very helpful and knowledgeable in writing. I highly recommend Jay! ~~ Entrepreneur & Author Choying Huynh