IngramSpark Promo Code for Free Title Setup through December 31, 2020
Self-publishing is one way for your voice to be heard, to educate, to inspire, to bring joy to others, or to provide temporary escape to a new world. We’re celebrating all those with a story to share with an IngramSpark promo code for free title setup! IngramSpark
Upload your book for free with promo code* FREE2020 (all caps, no spaces).
*Offer not valid on previously submitted titles; code must be used at time of set up! Good for up to 10 titles per account. Not available with use of a free ISBN.
Even though this offer is for paperbacks and ebooks – I’d recommend only using IngramSpark to upload your paperback.
Additional Resources related to IngramSpark
If you’ve set up your paperback through Amazon KDP using Expanded Distribution you’ll need to removed it before you can distribute your paperback through IngramSpark too.
A Beginners Guide to Amazon’s Paperback Expanded Distribution
How to remove your paperback from KDP Expanded Distribution to sell your book via IngramSpark
ISBNs For Print Books when distributing through Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
How and why to order author copies from Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
If you have any questions about distributing your book via IngramSpark – leave me a comment below.
Did you know that @IngramSpark are offering a Title Upload promo code for 2020? This is a perfect time to publish your paperback through them. #indieauthor #selfpub Click To Tweet