Newsflash: Kobo Plus Comes to Canada

Newsflash Kobo Plus Comes to Canada

Kobo Plus Rolling out in Canada

When you enroll your Kindle book in KDP select, you can earn page-read royalties. But Amazon will only let you enroll if you offer exclusivity to your book, and don’t make it available on any other service. So it’s refreshing to see that Kobo Plus (Canada’s largest ebook retailer) is going to launch its Kobo Plus page reads royalty arrangement in Canada.

Kobo Plus launched in the Netherlands in 2017, and was also introduced into Belgium. There has been speculation about whether it’ll expand into other countries, and now it’s been confirmed (thank you Draft2Digital) that the service is being rolled out to Canada – the home of Kobo.

About Kobo Plus

  • Their royalty payment model is based on the number of readers subscribing and reading books through the service. The more subscribers Kobo Plus gets, the more royalties there is to share, so over time your royalty payouts will increase as subscription levels rise.
  • There’s no exclusivity requirement to enroll. So your book can be available in other retailers, even Amazon, and they’ll still let you enroll in Kobo Plus.
  • Royalty are based on minutes consumed over the month.
Kobo is rolling out its #KoboPlus subscription royalty model to Canada. #amreading #indieauthor Click To Tweet

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Author: Jay Artale

Focused on helping travel bloggers and writers achieve their self-publishing goals. Owner of Birds of a Feather Press. Travel Writer. Nonfiction Author. Project Manager Specialising in Content Marketing and Social Media Strategy.

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