I’m part of a joint audio presentation with Derek Murphy, Fancy Becoming A Digital Nomad? How To Travel The World As You Write, Publish and Sell Your Books.
Have you ever thought about living your life as a digital nomad? It’s totally possible to live a dream life of wandering the world, making money from the books you write as you live a life of adventure.
Join Derek Murphy, the ultimate digital nomad, and Jay Artale, as they discuss how you can live a life as a creative digital nomad, writing and publishing your books from anywhere in the world.
About Derek Murphy, Author
Derek Murphy has an MA in Harry Potter and a PhD in Paradise Lost; studied fine art in Florence and philosophy in Malta; and has been featured in CNN for running writing retreats in medieval castles. Derek changes countries every month, seeking out inspiration and adventure while exploring productivity hacks and motivational strategies to avoid procrastination and create work that matters (it’s a constant battle). He writes nonfiction books about creativity and young adult scifi and fantasy, and also helps authors writers with publishing and book marketing resources.
Visit www.creativindie.com for FREE books and courses for creative entrepreneurs.
The SPACon theme is Self-Publish for Pleasure and Profit. For 24 hours, beginning at 10am GMT on April 14th, the Alliance of Independent Authors is pleased to provide you with the industry’s best about what you can and should be doing to have the most success in publishing and selling your books.
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