Podcast: How to Become a Confident Interviewer
In this 10-minute show travel writer Jay Artale covers tips and techniques for becoming a confident interviewer. Whether you’re writing a blog post, an article for a magazine or a book, your writing will benefit for including excerpts from conversations and first hand experiences from other people. The best way to gather these is to interview people, which if you haven’t done before, can be scary. So in this podcast I go through the different challenges you’ll face, and how to overcome your trepidation at hosting an interview, and gives the #1 way to succeed in the process.
In this podcast episode #30:
- Informal Interview Scenarios.
- Formal Interview Techniques.
- How to get the best from your interview subjects.
- How to eliminate formal interview nerves.
- How to capture your interview notes.
- Learn the key to becoming a good interviewer.
- How to open up the conversation to broader topics.
This episode shows you how to make the most of an interview opportunity in order to bring your travel writing to life. Practice makes perfect.
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author of your own travel book, but don’t know where to start? Do you have a travel guide, travel memoir, or travel book bubbling inside?
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Getting your book into your reader’s hands is a multifaceted process. It starts with writing and editing, before ebbing into design, production and distribution. Then just when you thought you could take a break … that’s when the marketing and promotion begins! It’s all too easy to get overwhelmed by the self-publishing process. But I’m here to help you with this exciting journey, and together we will make sure you reach your destination. Unharmed and unscathed!
Do you need some straight-talking tips to help you interview people for your travel blog, article, or book? This 10m podcast is for you #indieauthor #travelblogger Click To Tweet
Each episode covers aspects of the travel writing and self-publishing process to help travel bloggers and travel writers get their books published. Most episodes are 20-minutes long, but occasionally I’ll bring you a 10-minute episode.
Are you thinking about writing a travel guide, travel memoir, or other travel-related book? This podcast is for you!
We share tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you: write, plan, self-publish, market, and promote your travel book, so your words get into the hands of a global audience.
Be our Guest: If you’d like to share your travel writing or self-publishing knowledge with my audience, please get in touch (just fill in my form on the podcast page).
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