Your best option after Bookbub
If you’re looking to promote your free or promo priced non-fiction book, look no further than the sites managed by Written Word Media, who manage Freebooksy and Bargain Booksy. These two promotional sites give you the opportunity of featuring your book when you’re offering it for free, or if the purchase price is less than $5.
Scribe Writing did an assessment of the effectiveness book promotion sites for nonfiction books. They ran a promotion for a paid book (at .99c) on Bargain Booksy which resulted in 30-40 additional sales. Bookbub is the highest performing book promotion site, but entry is competitive and you need book reviews in order to book a Bookbub promotion, so if you don’t have any reviews your #1 options should be Bargain Booksy or Freebooksy.
What are these Promotional Book Sites?
Freebooksy (Free books) and Bargain Booksy (Low priced books) are a promotional book deal sites that promote your book to one of their mailing lists.
- You pay a set fee to have your book promoted to one of their niche-specific mailing lists.
- Your book will be featured on their deal website with a link to Amazon, Apple and Nook, and shared on their Facebook group.
- Readers get free or bargain priced books, and you increase your sales ranking and have an opportunity of leading these readers to explore your other books.
Neither site enforces a minimum reader review requirement. However, every book goes through an editorial review process. If your book does not meet their editorial guidelines, they’ll issue a full refund.
Which Deal Site is right for your book?
- If your book is free, either through KDP select free days or permafree, then the Freebooksy feature is right for you.
- If your book is priced below $4.99 then the Bargain Booksy is the option you should choose.
1. Free Booksy
A Freebooksy feature can help you to drive downloads of your book, find a new audience of readers, generate reviews for your book, sell copies of your other books once readers have gotten a taste of your writing, and improve your book rank on retail sites.

Is Your Book Eligible?
- Your book must be over 50 pages in length.
- It has to be on sale on Amazon.
- Your book must be free in the USA during the promotional timeframe.
- Send them an email at info@freebooksy.com with any questions.
- Submit your book for editorial consideration.
Browse the list of current Freebooksy Deals for:
There aren’t a lot of books listed under the travel category, and the most recent listing is nearly a week old already:
In the General Non Fiction Freebooksy promotional email I received today, these two books were listed for free:
And when I checked Amazon, I saw that they were in the #1 and #2 spot in the Amazon Best Sellers: Memoirs Top 100 Free list:
Update: November 3rd: Both of these books were featured in a November 3rd Freebooksy Promotion. My Grape Escape was also #1 in Top 100 Free Memoirs.

2. Bargain Booksy
If you are planning to discount your book (or if your book is already priced between $0.99 and $5), the Bargain Booksy site is the one to choose.

Is Your Book Eligible?
- Your book must be priced between $0.99 and $5 to qualify for a Bargain Booksy Feature.
- Your book must be over 50 pages in length.
- Send them an email at info@writtenwordmedia.com with any questions.
- Submit your book for editorial consideration.
Browse the list of current Bargain Booksy Deals for:
After you’ve chosen the site you want to use and the category you want to be featured in, you fill in details of your books and submit your promotion.
These two sites offer cost effective options for promoting your book, and the beauty of Bargain Booksy is that you don’t have to give your book away for free.
If you’ve tried either of their two sites, let us know how your promotion went and what the response was. Over the next few months I’m going to test-drive these two options and will let you know how it goes.
Want to find out more about #freebooksy and #bargainbooksy for promoting your #nonfiction book to readers? Discover your options. #indieauthor #bookmarketing #selfpub Click To Tweet
Hi Jay,
Delighted to have found your article as I’m about to launch my travel book this month and was looking for the best promotion sites. As you’re aware, the vast majority focus on fiction so it’s critical to show my books to the people looking for travel writing.
Apart from the two mentioned above, have you had any success with any others?
Wish me luck!
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