Category: Writing Tools

Take this Quiz – Do You Have What It Takes to be a Travel Writer?
Take this quiz to assess whether you have what it takes to become a travel writer.

How to Improve your Book’s Readability with Self-Editing
Improving your book’s readability will make it more accessible to your readers. Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Sketching in your Travel Journal
I’ve been enjoying a three month trip across France. No it’s not a mega holiday I’ve been stringing together a…

What Travel Writing software do you use?
Looking for alternatives to word processing programs to streamline your travel writing process? Scrivener is my favorite writing tool for books and blog posts.

Roundup of 221 Travel Writing Prompts
Need some travel writing inspiration? Here’s a roundup of 221 Travel Writing prompts to get your creative muscles working. Use them to stop procrastination and trigger some personal travel stories for your journal.
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#10: The Benefits of using Scrivener for Non-Fiction AND Fiction
In this 10 minute show travel writer Jay Artale is joined by fiction author David Penny. Listen to how Scrivener is versatile for fiction and non-fiction authors alike.

My Writing Life: Voice to Text and Canva
Read about the Technology and App discoveries that have streamlined my writing and content creation process this week.

January Writing Sprint with Jon’s Adventure Writers’ Club
I’m using my January writing sprint to bang out the first rough draft of my Cambodia Travel Guide. Follow along to see how successful my first attempt at a sprint will be.

Five Senses Travel Journal Available Now!
This blank Five Senses travel writing journal will help travel bloggers and travel writers improve their travel writing by showing instead of telling. Use your senses to capture the scene and connect with your readers.

Choosing Book Index Software & Options for your nonfiction paperback
Authors of nonfiction paperbacks need to create a table of contents and a robust index. Here are the tools you can use to create an index for your paperback.

How to use Scrivener to Manage and Schedule your Blog
Using Scrivener for Blogging. Here’s a guest post from Karen Prince who uses Scrivener to plan and create her blog posts. Learn how to set up your binder to streamline your content management.

Easier Import from Scrivener Compile into Vellum
Scrivener and Vellum have just announced an update to their software, making it easier to use these two programs together and preserve your formatting when compiling out of Scrivener into Vellum.

How To Use Scrivener To Manage Your Social Media Content and Strategy
I started using the Scrivener writing software to manage my Content Strategy and Social Media Management. This article explains the Binder and Folder Structure and how I’m using Icons to tag my content.

Free icons to download from Flaticon
uIf you’re struggling to find simple and intuitive icons to illustration a document, presentation, blog post, website, or e-book – look no further than flaticon. Just remember to credit the illustrator.

Our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast is featured
Lori Puma put together a comprehensive list of 33 writing podcasts with recommended episodes and our Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon for ALLi has made the list.

How Writers & Authors Use Reddit to build their network
Confused about how to use Reddit but know that it’s important to have a presence there? Join our guest blogger Diane Kollman as she explains how writers and authors use Reddit to build their network and collaborate with others writers.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #10: Released December 1st
My 10th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #9: Released November 1st
My 9th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Our latest Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Podcast is out
Join Michael and Jay as they extoll the virtues of the indie author triangle of success:the right mindset, effective writing tools (that work for you), and a strong support network. #AskALLi Self-Publishing Podcast.

My Indie Author Fringe appearance with Michael La Ronn
For the Frankfurt Book Fair Indie Author Fringe event I’m joining forces with my ALLi podcast co-host Michael La Ronn to present a session at the October 14th about being a part-time author but getting full-time results.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #8: Released October 1st
My 8th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #7: Released September 1st
My 7th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #6: Released August 1st
My 6th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

I’m co-hosting the Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Broadcast with Michael La Ronn
Each month I’m joining forces with fellow indie author Michael La Ronn to co-host a new self-publishing show that’s part of the Alliance of Independent Authors’ weekly broadcast schedule. Here’s our first show about Writing Tools, Styles, and Challenges.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #5: Released July 1st
My 5th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #4: Released June 1st
My 4th #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #3: Released May 1st
My 3rd #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #2: Released April 1st
My 2nd #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

4 Benefits of Freewriting for Travel Writers
“Freewriting for travel writers” is a how-to guide that teaches you everything you need to know to start your freewriting journey to help you improve the quality of your own travel writing.

Travel Writing Prompts Workbook #1: Released March 1st
My 1st #TravelWriting Prompts Workbook is now available. Download it for FREE.

4 ways Travel Bloggers generate ebook ideas
4 ways Travel Bloggers generate ebook ideas using blog content, social media and Amazon research to find the best topic for you ebook. Write your passion and it won’t feel like work.

Beta Read my Travel Writing How-to book and receive a Free final Copy
Beta read my Free Writing for Travel Writers ebook, and learn how to use free writing to improve your travel writing.

Birds of a Feather Press Travel Writing Competition 2017
Have you ever left a destination with the information you wished you’d known when you arrived? Something that was missing from your travel guide? Well now’s your chance to fill in the gaps. Let us know your Travel Guide Gap, by entering our 2017 Travel Writing Competition.

Great notebook for capturing travel guide notes
Do you carry a notebook with you? I always have a notebook on me. Even in this digital age of…

Write Nonfiction in November
Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN), also known as National Nonfiction Writing Month (NaNonFiWriMo), is Nina Amir’s response to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which…

Using Scrivener to write your non-fiction book
Writing a non-fiction book I thought I’d share my approach for creating my “How to Write a Travel Guide” in Scrivener,…

If you’re a Solo Traveller – enter this Bradt Guide Travel Writing Competition
Bradt is looking for inspirational stories about travelling alone to include in a new collection of true-life tales publishing in…

Beta Reading Services for your Travel Guide
Does your travel guide need beta reading? Every author needs beta readers who provide honest feedback and constructive criticism. I will…