Category: Writing Tips

2018 Travel Stories Competition winners
Find out who won this year’s Travel Stories Competition, and why the winning entry resonated with me to become the judges #1 pick.

Improve your travel writing with a sense of hearing
Using your sense of hearing creates a soundscape backdrop to your travel writing, and provides a memorable scene your reader can get absorbed into.

Do you have a partially finished memoir?
Do you have a partially finished memoir that has been languishing your top draw for years? So do I. Join me on my journey as I figure out the best way to write the memoirs that have been eating away at the inside of my head for years.

Improve your travel writing with your sense of smell
Your goal as a travel writer is to transport your reader to a place or time to experience smells for themselves through their stored memories, rather than just sharing how you experienced it.

Improve your travel writing with your sense of sight
This article is the first in a series of articles about using your five senses to improve your travel writing. This article introduces your sense of sight.

5 ways to make your travel writing POP!
Here’s five quotes from Guardian Travel Writers about how to improve your travel writing. I’ve included their travel writing quote, and then provided my insights to highlight how their advice can be interpreted and used as part of your travel writing adventures

3 Scrivener features to keep your guest blogging on track
These 3 Scrivener Guest Blogging Tools will help to keep your blog writing on Track. The Synopsis, Document Notes & Project Target Window handy visual reminders, especially when you’re freelancing.

Blog Tyrant’s BIG Blogging Survey Results
Take a look at Ramsey’s blogging survey to see (among other things) why people blog and how much time they spend blogging. How do you compare? Have you ever abandoned a blog?

Twelfth Annual Solas Travel Writing Award Winners Announced
The editors of Travelers’ Tales announce the winners of the Twelfth Annual Solas Awards for Best Travel Story of the Year.

3 Ways To Gain Competitive Advantage In Your Nonfiction Niche by Dave Chesson
Dave Chesson, creator of, shares his 3 favorite ways of finding a nonfiction opportunity within the travel niche you’re researching to help you write books that people are looking for.

Travel Bloggers: If you haven’t defined your audience, do it NOW!
Knowing who you’re writing for not only helps your audience but it also helps you. Being a travel blogger who is in it for the long-haul is hard work. You need to create a continual stream of content for your blog, so finding ways to streamline your content creation process is an essential step, and defining your audience will help you do that.

Bradt Travel Guides announce the finalists for their 2017 Travel Writer of the Year competition
Here’s the entries from the sixteen finalists for the Bradt Travel Writing Competition so that you can read each one and use them as inspiration to hone your own travel writing skills. Better yet, use it as a research opportunity for your own submission to their 2018 travel writing competition!

Our latest Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Podcast is out
Join Michael and Jay as they extoll the virtues of the indie author triangle of success:the right mindset, effective writing tools (that work for you), and a strong support network. #AskALLi Self-Publishing Podcast.

My Indie Author Fringe appearance with Michael La Ronn
For the Frankfurt Book Fair Indie Author Fringe event I’m joining forces with my ALLi podcast co-host Michael La Ronn to present a session at the October 14th about being a part-time author but getting full-time results.

These NatGeo Traveller Competition Winners can improve your travel writing
Great read for Travel Writing Tips: Nat Geo Traveller (UK) recently announced their travel writing competition winners. The challenge was to write a focused piece of 500 words that captured the essence of a destination alongside National Geographic Traveller’s defining features: immersive travel and authentic storytelling.

2 Keys Tips for Writing your Amazon Book Descriptions
Two Author tips to get the most out of your Amazon Book Description. Find out which HTML tags you can use, and how many characters you have to play with.

I’m co-hosting the Beginners’ Self-Publishing Salon Broadcast with Michael La Ronn
Each month I’m joining forces with fellow indie author Michael La Ronn to co-host a new self-publishing show that’s part of the Alliance of Independent Authors’ weekly broadcast schedule. Here’s our first show about Writing Tools, Styles, and Challenges.

How to land a guest post on a travel blog
Here’s some easy to follow tips for finding and approaching host travel blogs that are looking for guest bloggers. Increase your writing experience and build your blogging brand.

4 Benefits of Freewriting for Travel Writers
“Freewriting for travel writers” is a how-to guide that teaches you everything you need to know to start your freewriting journey to help you improve the quality of your own travel writing.

Budget Traveler Josh shares his travel research tips
There’s no better way to anticipate your reader’s needs than asking them outright about their preferences. Budget Traveler Josh provides his travel guide preferences.

Birds of a Feather Press Travel Writing Competition 2017
Have you ever left a destination with the information you wished you’d known when you arrived? Something that was missing from your travel guide? Well now’s your chance to fill in the gaps. Let us know your Travel Guide Gap, by entering our 2017 Travel Writing Competition.

On Your Marks, Get Set, GOals!
Take this opportunity to think about your writing and self-publishing goals this year. What do you want to achieve in 2017. Brainstorm your list, and then boil it down to your Top 3. Now take those Top 3 and see what actions you have to plan and achieve to achieve those writing goals.

Write Nonfiction in November
Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN), also known as National Nonfiction Writing Month (NaNonFiWriMo), is Nina Amir’s response to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which…

Using Scrivener to write your non-fiction book
Writing a non-fiction book I thought I’d share my approach for creating my “How to Write a Travel Guide” in Scrivener,…

3 Must Have Elements when writing your Travel Guide
Your travel guide begins with a simple idea, which has to be expanded into a book concept that intrigues your reader, which relies on you being able to make your travel guide personal so they can connect with it.

Should you write a Travel Guide or a Travel Narrative?
Travel books come in two main categories: the travel guide book and the travel narrative. Let’s look at a definition of each to help you determine which you want to write.

Transforming your Travels into a Meaningful Memoir
Guest Post by Jillian Schedneck Jillian Schedneck devoted three years on a MFA in creative nonfiction writing, after graduating she moved to…

Tools And Resources For Authors And Writers
Here’s my reference page of Resources For Authors And Writers, and includes all of the invaluable tools that I couldn’t…

How to make money Travel Blogging
One of my most popular guest posts was one I wrote for the Ytravelblog titled “What to do in Bodrum Turkey“….

Use the support and motivation of Camp NaNoWriMo to achieve your writing goals
My article for the Alliance of Independent Authors has just been published on their Author Advice Centre blog, and includes…

7 Travel Journal Writing Tips to document your Travels
Here are 7 Easy to use Travel Writing Tips. Learn how to capture your travels in words and pictures, and use all 6 senses to capture your travel experiences.

Why you should Write Your Passion
Do you want your travel guide to be fun to write, or another arduous task in your busy life that becomes a chore? To have staying power, you need to write your passion.

Using Scrivener to Plan & Write my Travel Guide Series
Scrivener is a valuable tool for non-fiction authors, and is especially useful when planning and writing your travel guide.