Category: Self-Publishing Advice

Author Interview with traveloguer Kandy Ostrosky
Memoirst Kandy Ostrosky shares the story behind her self-publishing journey and passions for travel and volunteering.

Free Self-Publishing Advice from Amazon KDP
KDP Jumpstart is a free Self-Publishing resource from Amazon KDP.

Author Interview with Memoirst Alyson Sheldrake
Algarve expat Alyson Sheldrake shares her publishing journey for her Portugal themed travel memoirs.

Author Interview with Memoirst Ruth Hampson
Memoirst Ruth Hampson shares the story behind her self-publishing experience for her part memoir, part travelogue.

Author Interview with Budget Travel Guide Author Matt Baxter
Find out how this British travel blogger used his knowledge of traveling around Japan and New Zealand to write and self-publish country and regional guides.

A Beginners Guide to Google Play Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Google Play Books to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

Author Interview Bistra Yakimova of The Magic of Traveling
Bistra Yakimova used her love of writing as the impetus to become an author. Her book features The Magic of Travel as seen through the eyes of locals with knowledge and inspiration to share.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#28: Rachel Malek talks about her travel research process
Do you know what travel information is important to your audience. In this podcast episode we look at a case study of a millennials travel research.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#27: Do you know your ebook distribution options?
In this 10-minute podcast episode we look at the two different ebook distribution options available to you, if you want to avoid just go exclusive with Amazon.

Author Interview with family man David Tucker
Find out how family man and travel writer David Tucker approached the process of writing and self-publishing his travel guide “Of Sweat and other joys”.

A Beginners Guide to Kobo Writing Life
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Kobo Writing Life to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#26: Should you go Exclusive with Amazon KDP?
In this 10-minute podcast we look at 3 different publishing strategies to consider and the benefits and drawbacks of Amazon KDP exclusivity:

A Beginners Guide to Barnes & Noble Press
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Barnes & Noble Press to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

Author Interview with world traveler Nicos Hadjicostis
Find out how travel writer Nicos Hadjicostis mastered the art of writing and self-publishing journey to get his first book, Destination Earth.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#25: Using your Five Senses to improve your travel writing
In Episode #25 of our How Travel Writers Self-Publish we discover how to use your five sense to improve your travel writing. This 10-minute episode will catapult your writing.

A Beginners Guide to Apple Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Apple Books. You can create gorgeous interactive books, but is it worth the effort?

Author Interview with Travel Journalist Nardia Plumridge
This week we’re joined by travel journalist Nardia Plumridge who shares her insights and advice for writing, publishing, and marketing her Lost in Florence travel guide.

Beginners Guide to self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers
Introducing my five part series: Beginner’s Guide to ebook Self-Publishing Retailers to help you decide whether to go direct with a retailer or via a distributor.

Author Interview with Narrative Nonfiction Travel Writer Bryanna Plog
Get inspired with how travel writer and blogger Bryanna Plog writes and self-publishes her narrative nonfiction travel books. Part Memoir, Part Travelogue.

ISBNs For Print Books when distributing through Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
Here’s three different ISBN scenarios when publishing your paperback through Amazon KDP and/or IngramSpark. Find out if you can use a Free ISBN or need to purchase your own.

Creating your flowable ebook file for Amazon KDP
There are multiple options for creating a flowable ebook file to upload to Amazon KDP. Choose one of these paid or free tools or software to take your book from final draft to published.

3 Ways to Approach your eBook Formatting
Do you want to take a simple or complex approach for formatting your ebook? There’s many paths you can take, and there’s no right answers. Just what’s right for YOU!

How Publishing A Nonfiction Book Can Help You Sell Your Product
Guest blogger Martin Cavannagh from Reedsy shares his insights about four ways a book can help you sell more of your product, no matter what it is.

Publishing Decisions for my 2019 Travel Guide that’s #1 in New Releases
Publishing decisions and distribution changes I made for the new edition of my Bodrum Travel Guide. Things for you to consider when it’s time to publish an updated version of your book.

A Beginners guide to the pros and cons of flowable vs. fixed ebook file formats
The impact of flowable vs. fixed layout text layouts in your ebook. The pros and cons of choosing the optimal ebook file format for your content. Fixed vs. Flowable.

Author Interview with Travel Memoir writer Jean Roberts
Get inspired by travel writer Jean Roberts who wrote and published her memoir about moving to Spain.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Nancy O’Hare
Travel Writer Nancy O’Hare shares her indie author, writing, and self publishing journey to inspire you to write your own travel guide.

A Beginners Guide to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
This article is part of my Beginner’s Guide to Self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers series and takes a closer look at publishing with Amazon KDP.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Frances M. Thompson
Travel Writer Frankie Thompson share her writing and self-publishing journey with us. She writes contemporary fiction inspired by travel, in short story collections.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep12: Publishing a Fictional Travel Memoir
This week our podcast features fictional travel memoir author John Meyer. He talks about his writing process and what book marketing techniques have worked in this travel niche.

Author Interview with fictional travel memoirist John Meyer
Join me in finding out about John Meyer’s fictional travel memoir writing and publishing adventures. His books combine facts of history with present-day drama and humor—revolving around a fictitious love story and always based on his own thrilling journeys.

How does Amazon Expanded Distribution work?
Not sure whether Amazon Expanded distribution is right for your paperback? Here’s how it works and what you need to know before your check the expanded distribution box in your KDP dashboard.

A beginners guide to Author copies from Amazon KDP
Want to order a retail version copy of your paperback book at a reduced cost to give away, ship direct, or sell at a book reading or author event? If you’re distributing via Amazon, here’s the how and why about ordering Author Copies.

Page Numbering Tips for Nonfiction authors
Do you want a professionally numbered nonfiction but, but aren’t sure which pages get numbered, and which don’t? Here’s how to handle blank pages, and front and back matter.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Tom Fay
Hybrid author Tom Fay has established his travel writing brand around his knowledge of his adopted home of Japan, and shares his writing and self-publishing journey for his Travel Guide, which is an insider’s guide to seeing the best of Japan in one trip.

Benefits & Disadvantages of self-publishing a Print on Demand paperback
Read about the benefits and disadvantages of self-publishing a POD paperback, before you decide on your indie author publishing strategy.

Benefits of self-publishing an ebook
Read about the benefits and disadvantages of self-publishing an ebook, before you decide on your indie author publishing strategy.

Interview with Travel Memoir Author Garett Wilson
Interview with Garett Wilson who wrote and self-published Lost in Tokyo, a travel memoir about his adventures in Japan working as an English teacher.

3 Approaches for self-publishing your travel guides
We look at three different self-publishing format strategies based on the level of effort you’re willing to invest to become an indie author. Check out whether you should choose a simple, intermediate, or advanced plan.

Author Interview with travel blogger Kashlee Kucheran
Even before my husband and I quit our lucrative corporate jobs and started our nomadic journey, we cancelled buying each stuff each…

Interview with Travel Memoir author Joyce Dickens
I think the western world is split into two groups: those who want are content to just go on holiday,…

Vegan Travel Guide Author Interview with Caitlin Galer-Unti
This week we’re joined by vegan travel guide author Caitlin Galer-Unti, who is also the inspiration behind the popular Vegan World website. Let’s find out how she approaches self publishing her niche travel guides.

Interview with Caribbean Beach Travel Guide Author Bret Sigillo
I wonder how many authors there are in the same boat as me and today’s guest author, Bret Sigillo? Neither of…

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#3: How to improve your Travel Writing by FreeWriting
In our How Travel Writers Self-Publish podcast we cover how to improve your travel writing by using a creative freewriting technique.

Interview with Memoir Author Grahame Elson
Interview with Memoir Author Grahame Elson, whose first self-published book covers his adventure about Six Weeks in Africa. Read about his pragmatic approach to travel writing and self-publishing.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#2: How to Collaborate with other Authors
This week or podcast features memoir author Joe Cawley, author of the Ketchup trilogy. He’s sharing his tips and insights about how authors can collaborate to increase book sales.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#1: From Travel Blogger to Author
In episode 1 of our How to Self-Publish a Travel Book Show we cover five reasons why travel bloggers and writers should leverage their content to become authors.

Author Interview with Dana Zeliff of the Talking Suitcase
Dana of The Talking Suitcase travel blog writes about what she knows, and it’s this passion and familiarity with a travel destination topic that makes writing a travel guide such a viable passive income option. Read our latest author interview.

Our new How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start? This new self-publishing podcast will help you write, publish, and sell your books.

Interview with Molly McCord, Author of Cache Paris
Discover Molly McCord’s writing and self-publishing journey to bring her travel guide Cache Paris to a broader audience. She provides book marketing insights that will stand you in good stead for the marketing marathon you need to run.