Category: Book Production

How to See Your Book Categories
Dave Chesson over at Kindlepreneur just published this video. It’s under 4 minutes and has some key information in it….

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 3)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of working with an editor. She shares the lessons she learned during the line editing process

Newsflash: Amazon KDP now prefers an EPUB file
Book formatting just got easier—Amazon now recommends providing an EPUB file for publishing instead of a file in their proprietary MOBI format.

Newsflash: IngramSpark Discount Code
IngramSpark are offering free title uploads which will save you money. Usually they charge a per title fee for any ebook and paperback you upload.

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 2)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of finding an editor. She shares the lessons she learned during the process of writing and editing her first book.

One Travel Writer’s Journey for a Professional Line Edit (Part 1)
Travel Writer Sally Jane Smith shares her journey of whether or not she needs a professional line edit. She shares the lessons she learned during the process of writing and editing her first book.

Adding Internal Links to your Nonfiction Books in Vellum
I was excited to discover that Vellum book formatting software has a couple of great new features: Internal Linking and Sub Headings included in your Table of Contents.

Newsflash: Kobo Plus Comes to Canada
Kobo is rolling out its #KoboPlus subscription royalty model to Canada, and doesn’t require exclusivity.

Newsflash: The Impact of VAT changes on Amazon KDP
Amazon KDP announced the impact of the UK’s VAT changes from 20% to 0%, and the impact it’ll have on the minimum price you can list your book for.

A Beginners Guide to Amazon’s Paperback Expanded Distribution
Before you set up your paperback on Amazon KDP, make sure you understand the impact and implications of selecting the Expanded Distribution Option.

A Beginners Guide to Google Play Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Google Play Books to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Kobo Writing Life
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Kobo Writing Life to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

A Beginners Guide to Barnes & Noble Press
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Barnes & Noble Press to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

My 90 Day Experiment for nonfiction ebooks with KDP Select
I’m conducting an experiment by enrolling all my travel guides and nonfiction books into KDP select for 90 days to see how much royalty I receive from Amazon for page reads.

How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal
This guest post from Reedsy highlights the 5 key elements you need to consider when putting together your nonfiction book proposal to pitch a publisher.

A Beginners Guide to Apple Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Apple Books. You can create gorgeous interactive books, but is it worth the effort?

Use your strengths to collaborate with authors
If you’re looking for author collaboration opportunities—use your strengths. What skills do you have to share?

Beginners Guide to self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers
Introducing my five part series: Beginner’s Guide to ebook Self-Publishing Retailers to help you decide whether to go direct with a retailer or via a distributor.

ISBNs For Print Books when distributing through Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
Here’s three different ISBN scenarios when publishing your paperback through Amazon KDP and/or IngramSpark. Find out if you can use a Free ISBN or need to purchase your own.

Creating your flowable ebook file for Amazon KDP
There are multiple options for creating a flowable ebook file to upload to Amazon KDP. Choose one of these paid or free tools or software to take your book from final draft to published.

3 Ways to Approach your eBook Formatting
Do you want to take a simple or complex approach for formatting your ebook? There’s many paths you can take, and there’s no right answers. Just what’s right for YOU!

A Beginners guide to the pros and cons of flowable vs. fixed ebook file formats
The impact of flowable vs. fixed layout text layouts in your ebook. The pros and cons of choosing the optimal ebook file format for your content. Fixed vs. Flowable.

Don’t know if you want to publish an ebook or paperback?
We look at three different format strategy approaches based on your experience and budget available. Should you just publish an ebook, or a paperback as well?

A Beginners Guide to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
This article is part of my Beginner’s Guide to Self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers series and takes a closer look at publishing with Amazon KDP.

How and why to order author copies from Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
Both Amazon and IngramSpark let authors buy copies of their book at a reduced cost, so you can sell them direct, donate them or give them away to friends or for book marketing.

PublishDrive Introduce Team Royalties for author collaboration
PublishDrive have launched an automated solution for splitting author royalties on collaboration projects.

How to Build the back cover of your nonfiction Paperback
Here’s the different back cover elements you should consider when building your nonfiction Paperback. They’re not all mandatory, but choose the best ones based on your content niche.

Print on Demand Title Transfer Instructions from Amazon KDP Expanded Distribution to IngramSpark
Here’s how to transfer title ownership from Amazon to Ingram Spark, after I opted out of Expanded Distribution through KDP.

How does Amazon Expanded Distribution work?
Not sure whether Amazon Expanded distribution is right for your paperback? Here’s how it works and what you need to know before your check the expanded distribution box in your KDP dashboard.

A beginners guide to Author copies from Amazon KDP
Want to order a retail version copy of your paperback book at a reduced cost to give away, ship direct, or sell at a book reading or author event? If you’re distributing via Amazon, here’s the how and why about ordering Author Copies.

Which Amazon KDP ebook royalty rate should I choose?
Take the guesswork out of whether you should include images in your Amazon KDP ebook. Here’s a way to calculate the financial implications of choosing the 70% vs 35% royalty rate.

How to remove your paperback from KDP Expanded Distribution to sell your book via IngramSpark
What happens if you chose Expanded Distribution for your paperback through Amazon KDP and then change your mind after you’ve published? I ran into duplicate ISBN issues when I tried setting up my title through IngramSpark, and here’s how I handled expanding my distribution network, without having to set up a new book listing on Amazon or assign a new ISBN.

Benefits & Disadvantages of self-publishing a Print on Demand paperback
Read about the benefits and disadvantages of self-publishing a POD paperback, before you decide on your indie author publishing strategy.

Benefits of self-publishing an ebook
Read about the benefits and disadvantages of self-publishing an ebook, before you decide on your indie author publishing strategy.

3 Approaches for self-publishing your travel guides
We look at three different self-publishing format strategies based on the level of effort you’re willing to invest to become an indie author. Check out whether you should choose a simple, intermediate, or advanced plan.

Lights, Camera, Action: Draft2Digital’s New Look
Draft2Digital have just unveiled a new look dashboard and user interface for authors. There was nothing wrong with ti, but they’ve made it better anyway! Thanks D2D!

Our new How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start? This new self-publishing podcast will help you write, publish, and sell your books.

How to Access Early Access features for Kindle Create (Beta)
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing have announced the availability of Early Access features for Kindle Create, which is relevant to travel bloggers who want to include images in their travel guides.

Nook Press rebranded as Barnes and Noble Press
I was interested to read about the branding of Nook Press to Barnes and Noble Press. Find out what changes they’ve made and what it means to you as a Nook direct publisher.

7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle
Have you already published your books on Amazon? Then here’s a list of 7 easy steps for making the most of your presence on Kindle.

Free Tools for Authors: Help Me Choose A Cover
Does your book have a new cover design and now you need to choose the one you’re going to use to self-publish your book? Whether you’re working with a cover designer, using a cover design service, or designing your own cover you could end up with the same dilemma: “which cover should I choose?”

Start your self-publishing addiction with Amazon’s new 12-step Program KDP Jumpstart
If you’re new to Kindle Direct Publishing and want to self-publish your own book via Amazon KDP but don’t know where to start, you’re in luck. Amazon have just created KDP Jumpstart, which is a streamlined, step-by-step process for self-publishing your book on their KDP platform.

Free Tools for Authors: Bookalyzer
Do you want to know what your Book Cover will look like in all the different display positions that are offered by Amazon? Bookalyzer is a free author tool that shows you.

Hot Off The Press: New Release Travel Guides August 2017
Each month I’m scrolling through the New Release Travel Guides on Amazon to see which Traditionally & Indie published guides have hit the marketplace. I also provide my commentary about branding and design so you can get best practice tips and advice for your own travel guide.

Print version of Freewriting for Travel Writers in the works
I decided it was time to bring out a print version of Freewriting for Travel Writers. At the moment I’m working on the internal formatting and new cover, which you can see here.

Go Digital or Go Home: Is it time to self-publish an ebook?
Why travel bloggers should go digital and publish an e-book. You have lots of content on your travel blog, so maybe its time to collate it into an e-book travel guide.

Essential Poetry ebook Formatting Tips
Resources for formatting a poetry book.

Tools And Resources For Authors And Writers
Here’s my reference page of Resources For Authors And Writers, and includes all of the invaluable tools that I couldn’t…