Category: Author Resources

Free Self-Publishing Advice from Amazon KDP
KDP Jumpstart is a free Self-Publishing resource from Amazon KDP.

How to create a Free 3D Book Cover Mock Up
Here’s a free tool to help you create mock up cover images on a phone, ereader, and a paperback. Multiple layouts to choose from.

What front matter do you need for your nonfiction book?
Not sure which front matter elements you need to include in your nonfiction book? No problem. Read which components are essential for your book before you publish.

Publish with Purpose: A Free Virtual Summit for authors
Publish with Purpose, a virtual summit to help authors sell more books. If you need help with book marketing, don’t miss this free event.

Free tool for marketing your podcast on social media
Here’s an evaluation and step by step instructions for using the FREE Wavve online software for marketing your podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

News Flash: Apple Podcast updates their category list
Apple Podcast updated this list of show categories in July, so check with your podcast hosting company to make sure your update your category listing.

How and why to order author copies from Amazon KDP and IngramSpark
Both Amazon and IngramSpark let authors buy copies of their book at a reduced cost, so you can sell them direct, donate them or give them away to friends or for book marketing.

PublishDrive Introduce Team Royalties for author collaboration
PublishDrive have launched an automated solution for splitting author royalties on collaboration projects.
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#10: The Benefits of using Scrivener for Non-Fiction AND Fiction
In this 10 minute show travel writer Jay Artale is joined by fiction author David Penny. Listen to how Scrivener is versatile for fiction and non-fiction authors alike.

5 Reasons for using Zencastr to Record your Podcast Interviews
Are you looking for a free #podcasting tool to help you record, manage, and edit your podcast show? Try #Zencastr. It records audio at source so it doesn’t matter how bad your internect connection is.

Are you attending the Travel & Adventure Show Los Angeles?
It’s not just tourist boards and companies promoting what they have to sell. Located right on the show floor and included with your ticket, are dozens of seminars on four separate stages that will help you with your next travel experience.

My Writing Life: Voice to Text and Canva
Read about the Technology and App discoveries that have streamlined my writing and content creation process this week.

Jay is a Mentor at The WoMentoring Project
Check out my listing on WoMentoring where I’m a social media Mentor. WoMentoring give female voices that would otherwise find it hard to be heard, a greater opportunity of reaching their true potential.

Newsflash from Written Word Media about the new Apple Books app
New look and name for Apple iBooks … now known as Apple Books. You can also join their affiliate program.

From Passion to Brand: How to use ebooks to build your non-fiction niche
Watch this From Passion to Brand 23 minute presentation to learn more about the benefits of an ebook, and how you can research the needs of your target audience, to create a nonfiction book that attracts attention.

Our new How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast
Are you ready to establish your subject matter expertise and earn passive income by transitioning from travel blogger to author, but don’t know where to start? This new self-publishing podcast will help you write, publish, and sell your books.

Free icons to download from Flaticon
uIf you’re struggling to find simple and intuitive icons to illustration a document, presentation, blog post, website, or e-book – look no further than flaticon. Just remember to credit the illustrator.

Fred’s Blog 4th Annual Travel Stories Competition
Robert Fear is the memoirist behind Fred’s Blog as was featured in an Author Interview last year. As well as being a travel writer he has been running a successful travel writing competition that is now in it’s 4th year. There are monthly prizes as well as overall prizes and it’s FREE TO ENTER … so what are you waiting for?

Listen to my January Beginners’ Self-Publishing Podcast
In our Alliance of Independent Authors’ Self-Publishing podcast for beginners, Michael La Ronn and I discuss our 2017 writing achievements and make a commitment for what we’d like to achieve in 2018.

7 easy steps for making the most of Amazon Kindle
Have you already published your books on Amazon? Then here’s a list of 7 easy steps for making the most of your presence on Kindle.

Start your self-publishing addiction with Amazon’s new 12-step Program KDP Jumpstart
If you’re new to Kindle Direct Publishing and want to self-publish your own book via Amazon KDP but don’t know where to start, you’re in luck. Amazon have just created KDP Jumpstart, which is a streamlined, step-by-step process for self-publishing your book on their KDP platform.

My Self-Publishing Article featured in Frances Caballo’s Indie Author Roundup
My Self-Publishing Article featured in the Indie Author Weekly Update published by social media strategist Frances Caballo

Podcast: Book Editing for Beginners
The topics covered in this month’s self-publishing podcast were focused around the book editing process for non-fiction and fiction – specifically aimed at beginning authors. If you’re new to the editing process, this introduction to the topic is easy to digest and deliver invaluable advice.

2 Keys Tips for Writing your Amazon Book Descriptions
Two Author tips to get the most out of your Amazon Book Description. Find out which HTML tags you can use, and how many characters you have to play with.

How Toastmasters International helped my public speaking skills
I was googling my name to find old guest articles to add to my online Press and Media kit, and…

Recharge your social batteries with a Podcast
If you’re an introvert that is surrounded by family and friends this year you may need to take some time for yourself to recharge your social batteries. Here’s some podcasts for your alone time.

Beta Reading Services for your Travel Guide
Does your travel guide need beta reading? Every author needs beta readers who provide honest feedback and constructive criticism. I will…

Tools And Resources For Authors And Writers
Here’s my reference page of Resources For Authors And Writers, and includes all of the invaluable tools that I couldn’t…