Kobo Writing Life Cover Competition
Each year Kobo Writing Life hosts a Cover Competition. They choose ten titles in four different content niches, and over a four-week period they host voting for each category. This is the last week of the voting round, and this week you can vote on the best NONFICTION cover.
The cover for my Alzheimer’s poetry book is in the mix, and it’s great to be in the top ten nonfiction covers for the year, but the top two of each round go through to the final round, so I need your vote to get my book through to the next round.
No login or registration required. Just click on my book cover to vote for A Turbulent Mind.
Here’s all the books and authors in the Nonfiction category.
- A Thousand Little Words, by Carla King
- A Turbulent Mind, by Jay Artale
- Across the Big Blue Sea, by Katja Meier
- Consumer’s Guide for Self-Publishers, by Carla King
- How To Write Non-Fiction, by Joanna Penn
- Hungry for More, by Skye MacKinnon
- Let’s Get Digital, by David Gaughran
- The best of IndyEats, by Linda Taylor
- The Indie Author Mindset, by Adam Croft
- Where the Road Runs Out, by Gaia Holmes
Kobo’s Top Ten Nonfiction covers for 2018
I voted for #ATurbulentMind in the @KWL #KWLCoverContest2018. Jay Artale's Alzheimer's poetry collection with a stunning cover. #dementia #alzauthors Click To Tweet