Birds of a Feather Books

Black Divider Line

How to Write a Travel Guide – 4 Part Series

This series is aimed at Travel Bloggers and Writers who want to take their travel passions and expertise and craft it into a best selling travel guide. Using her experience as a travel guide author, Jay Artale has created a How-To series that breaks down the guide book creation process into 4 separate and easy-to-follow phases of planning, writing, producing and promotion.

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How to write a Travel guide: Plan It (Book 1)

Published: April 2018

H2WaTG Pen It Final Cover

Published: October 2019

Published: January 2019

In the works

Black Divider Line

Freewriting for Travel Writers

How to use a Creative Freewriting Technique to Improve your Travel Writing

In Freewriting for Travel Writers, Jay Artale introduces you to the benefits and concept of freewriting. With easy to follow steps, travel writers can begin their own freewriting habit. Learn when to use it and how to overcome the challenges travel writers face. Jay shows how you can create your own travel writing prompts, but also includes a list of 100 travel writing prompts to inspire your next freewriting session, and these travel writing prompts are also available in two volumes of paperback workbooks.

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Freewriting for Travel Writers series of books

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Fast Drafting for Travel Writers ebook Cover small


Fast Drafting for Travel Writers:

A Speed Journaling Technique To Spend More Time Traveling And Less Time Writing

Published: July 2020

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Guest Blogging for Travel Writers by Jay Artale

Guest Blogging for Travel Writers:

How to Grow your Audience by Sharing your Subject Matter Expertise
By Jay Artale

Publication Date: TBD

Black Divider Line

Turkey Travel Guides

Jay Artale abandoned her flourishing corporate career to relocate to Turkey and become a full time writer. She shares her first-hand experience of exploring Turkey as an independent traveler on her Bodrum Peninsula Travel Guide website, and in her Travel Guide series of books.

Bodrum Travel Guides 2019 cover

Second Edition: June, 2019

Revised First Edition: June, 2016

First Edition: May 31, 2013


June18 Gumusluk Travel Guide Cover ebook

Publication Date: May 27, 2014

June18 Bodrum Basement Travel Guide Cover ebook

On hold due to Covid-19

Turkey Tales: A Bodrum Travel Memoir in Verse Jay Artale

Publication Date: August 27, 2016

Paperback version scheduled for 2018

Other Travel Guides

June2018 Flashpacking through Cambodia

"Flashpacking around Cambodia: For Baby Boomers on a Budget"
Jay Artale

Publication Date: 2020

New York to Los Angeles via Amtrak

"New York to Los Angeles Via Amtrak"
A Trip Planning Guide by Jay Artale

Publication Date: TBD

Black Divider Line

5 Senses Travel Journal

Five Senses Travel Journal

This blank travel writing Journal is your memory prompt for the locations, people, and experiences you encounter during your day. It's an essential travel writing notebook for travel bloggers and writers who want to improve their travel writing techniques to show instead of tell.

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Other covers styles available

Black Divider Line

Black Divider Line

Although Birds of a Feather is primarily a indie press for travel guides, travel memoirs, and other travel related books, I've started to include Alzheimer's and Dementia related books under my publishing umbrella. At the end of the day, it's just another journey that needs to be shared...

A Turbulent Mind: A Poetry Collection of a Mother's Journey with Alzheimer's

Jay Artale has created a memorable collection of poems that scratch the surface of Alzheimer's and make you aware of the multifaceted impact of a disease that is both cruel and unkind. She takes you on a journey through denial, anger, guilt, sadness, and acceptance. But she also doesn't forget one of the most important elements - moments of joy. Her wry humor is sprinkled within this collection adding the emotional highs of the roller coaster ride she takes you on.

Publication Date: ebook June 2017, paperback TBD

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Black Divider Line

Publication Date: TBD

7 WAYS for 7 DAYS a Turkish recipe Cookbook for your Self-Catering Holiday

7 Ways for 7 Days: A Turkish Recipe Book for your Self-Catering Holiday
A Cookery Book by Neale Hughes

Neale is a full-time resident of Turkey and uses his local knowledge traditional Turkish recipes and the seasonal availability of produce to create a Turkish recipe cookbook for holiday makers who are heading the the Aegean region for a self-catering holiday. For each of the traditional Turkish key ingredients available, Neale offers seven different ways to use them to recreate the dishes you can order in the local restaurants.

Black Divider Line

7 thoughts on “Birds of a Feather Books

    1. 🙂 I actually got more inspiration from Lonely Planet covers for my first publications – and those I designed myself. These current covers were designed by a designer … and I love this new design. But when I saw them on Amazon… I did realise that they look a bit DK-ish. So maybe it was subliminal!

  1. Hello Jay,

    My husband and I left our “normal” lives to spend five years moving about six of the continents. We travelled mostly by bicycle and stopped often to stay with locals; sometimes as guests, other times working as volunteers.. I wrote about it, and many of these tales have been published in magazines. I finally compiled them into what will be three books, divided roughly by continents.

    The first one is filled with tales from our travels in Europe and is available on Amazon. Paperback or Kindle. The books are packed with color photos, which involve choosing which photos to use and a great deal of formatting. I’m nearly finished book #2 (Oceana) for KDP, and the 3rd in the series should be complete in a few months.

    I’ve listened to your podcast about using Bargain Booksy, and I’m convinced that is the way to go. But since I am new at this game—self-publishing – I’m hoping you can answer a few questions for me please.

    Should I wait until all three books are available on Amazon before advertising?
    I would like, as per your recommendation, to price the first Kindle book at .99 cents, but how can I do this if Amazon prices it at a minimum of 2.99? Right now it is available for free with Kindle Unlimited.
    And should I “enroll my next book in KDP Select?
    The paperback version is currently priced with no real royalties (less than $1.00)—it is expensive to print because of the color photos, and I am not trying to make a living as an author—I just want people to read the book and enjoy it. Should I raise the price of the paperback so that I can lower the price later to create a “special deal”?
    What do you think about Goodreads? I just added my name there as an author. Is there any harm in listing or advertising with them as well as Bargain Booksy?

    Thank you very much for your time, and for the wonderful information you provide to other Travel authors!

    Have a great day,

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