Travel Guide Cover Design Case Study: Rough Guides
This case study looks at how Rough guides have updated their travel guide covers. This review also includes design prompts for designing your own cover, including the use of contrasting colors.

Newsflash: Kobo Plus Comes to Canada
Kobo is rolling out its #KoboPlus subscription royalty model to Canada, and doesn’t require exclusivity.

How to Improve your Book’s Readability with Self-Editing
Improving your book’s readability will make it more accessible to your readers. Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.

3 Health Concerns Freelancers Need To Overcome
Indiana Lee shares her tips and advice for maintaining your optimal health and avoiding the risks that could plague your freelancing activities.

Newsflash: The Impact of VAT changes on Amazon KDP
Amazon KDP announced the impact of the UK’s VAT changes from 20% to 0%, and the impact it’ll have on the minimum price you can list your book for.

Book Marketing Tips from 10 Travel Writers #1
We interviewed 10 travel writers to get their take on marketing and promoting their travel book. Find out which techniques have worked to sell more books and reach more readers

How Travel Writers Self Publish Podcast Ep#35: What Front Matter does your nonfiction book need?
In this 9-minute show, we look at the different Front Matter sections to include in your nonfiction book, who writes them, and what your content should include.

Tips for generating keywords for Amazon Sponsored Ads
Are you thinking about running #AmazonAds to sell more books? Here’s some insights about using automated and manually created keyword lists.

A Beginners Guide to Amazon’s Paperback Expanded Distribution
Before you set up your paperback on Amazon KDP, make sure you understand the impact and implications of selecting the Expanded Distribution Option.

Author Interview with Travel Writer Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson shares tips and inspiration for writing and self-publishing travel memoirs and travel fiction based in Greece.

Why Travel Bloggers Fail at Journaling, and how Fast Drafting can help
Find out why you’re failing to maintain a travel journaling habit, and how you can succeed. In order to improve the quality of your travel writing.

7 Steps to Making Money Freelancing – FAST!
Katie started freelance writing about six years ago, and she shares her 7 point plan for creating your own freelance opportunities to make money fast.
How Travel Writers Self Publish Podcast Ep#34: A-Z of Travel Writing Tips. A is for Audience, Angle, Adjectives and…
Each episode in the A to Z podcast series provides you with inspiration to give your travel writing the TLC it needs. We’re kicking this off with letter A.

Author Interview with Travel Fiction Writer Doug Walsh
Today we’re joined by Doug Walsh, author of the travel-inspired fiction Tailwinds Past Florence. He avoided the confines of guides books and memoirs to focus on fiction.

A-Z of Travel Writing Tips: I is for Improve, Images and …
Travel Writing Prompts: I is for Improve, Images, Instagram and Inspiration. Use these Travel Writing Prompts to make it easier to connect with your readers. No matter what you’re writing.

I’d Rather be a Slowmad than a Nomad
Katie Lamb shares advice about how slowing down and creating a routine can make you a happier and more productive digital nomad.

Author Interview with Travel Memoirist Catherine Berry
Today we’re joined by Catherine Berry, author of But you are in France, Madame, which is about her adventure of…
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#33: How to use Free Facebook Features to promote your book
Listen to the different ways you can use Facebook to reach readers within your niche and build your mailing list.

A to Z of Social Media Prompts for Authors (Part 1 A-F)
Are you getting bored with social media or stuck in a social rut? Don’t worry, it happens to us all, so I’ve put together a list of 26 Social Media prompts to inspire authors to connect with your readers via your favourite social network.

#AuthorToolbox How to Create a Watery 1st Draft to Turn into Wine
If you’re struggling with writer’s block, or finding your approach to writing too slow and methodical, try fast drafting to get your first draft written.

7 Cover Design Techniques to get your Non-Fiction Book Noticed
Your nonfiction book cover serves one purpose—to get people to click for more details about your book and read the description. It is a main contributor to your book’s success, and helps you sell more books.

The Article I Wish I’d Read Before I Became a Digital Nomad
Before you become a digital nomad, you’ll have to remove your rose-tinted glasses. Guest article from Katie Lamb.

Author Interview Carol Duval Trying Lives
House sitter Carol Duval shares her writing and publishing experience about turning her travels into a compelling Memoir with an eyecatching cover.

How to Rank your Books higher on Amazon with Publisher Rocket
Guest blogger Dave Chesson shares three major ways Rocket will help you get more exposure on Amazon and sell more books!

3 Travel Writing Tips to engage your Readers
Find out about these three easy to implement travel writing tips that act like bait to hook your reader.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#32: Show your Blog and Travel Writing some love
My latest 10m podcast episode. Just because you can’t travel, doesn’t mean you can’t continue to work on your travel blog.

Author Interview with Travel Memoirist and Fiction Writer John Manuel
John Manuel retired early to move to Greece and started writing about his adopted home. He’s used his passion for the people and culture to write a series of nonfiction and fiction books.

Walking is a Great Way for Digital Nomads to Keep Healthy
Walking is a great way for digital nomads to stay in shape. Read these healthy tips from guest blogger Rebecca Brown to see how to start your daily habit.

A-Z of Travel Writing Tips: H is for Humor, Headlines and …
Travel Writing Prompts: H is for Humor, Headlines, and How to get started. Use these Travel Writing tips to improve your writing and connect with readers.

Sketching in your Travel Journal
I’ve been enjoying a three month trip across France. No it’s not a mega holiday I’ve been stringing together a…
How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#31: Travel Memoir Writing Inspiration (Guest: Mariana McDougall)
If you’ve been thinking about writing your own travel memoir, this conversation should inspire you to put pen to paper.

Author Interview with Budget Travel Guide Author Matt Baxter
Find out how this British travel blogger used his knowledge of traveling around Japan and New Zealand to write and self-publish country and regional guides.

Business Considerations for Nomadic Freelance Travel Writers
Being a travel writer may sound appealing, so here’s some tips to help you manage the business side of being freelance and nomadic.

A Beginners Guide to Google Play Books Publishing
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Google Play Books to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

What front matter do you need for your nonfiction book?
Not sure which front matter elements you need to include in your nonfiction book? No problem. Read which components are essential for your book before you publish.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#30: How to Become a Confident Interviewer
This podcast shows you how to become a confident interviewer in simple and easy to follow steps, so that you can include quotes and interviews in your blog posts, magazine articles, or book.

A to Z of Travel Writing Tips: G is for Goals, Guest Blogging and Genre
Travel Writing Prompts: G is for Goals, Guest Blogging and Genre. Use these prompts to improve your writing and make it easier to connect with your readers. No matter what you’re writing.

Author Interview with travel writer Kenneth Strange
Join travel writer Kenneth Strange as he takes us on his writing and self-publishing journey to get his first book, It’s Your Camino, into the hands of readers.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#29: Tips for Writing your Nonfiction Book Description
Do you need some straight-talking tips to improve the quality of your book description? This 10 minute podcast offers tips specifically for nonfiction writers to entice readers to buy more books.

How to Create an Effective Freelance Writing Portfolio
The key marketing tool for growing your writing career and income is to establish an effective freelance writing portfolio. These 4 tips will help you.

Develop your Travel Writing Style: Vocabulary and Sentence Structure
How to use vocabulary and sentence structure to develop a travel writing style that suits your target audience.

Author Interview Bistra Yakimova of The Magic of Traveling
Bistra Yakimova used her love of writing as the impetus to become an author. Her book features The Magic of Travel as seen through the eyes of locals with knowledge and inspiration to share.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#28: Rachel Malek talks about her travel research process
Do you know what travel information is important to your audience. In this podcast episode we look at a case study of a millennials travel research.

How Travel Writers Self-Publish Podcast Ep#27: Do you know your ebook distribution options?
In this 10-minute podcast episode we look at the two different ebook distribution options available to you, if you want to avoid just go exclusive with Amazon.

Author Interview with family man David Tucker
Find out how family man and travel writer David Tucker approached the process of writing and self-publishing his travel guide “Of Sweat and other joys”.

How do Digital Nomads meet Writing Deadlines?
How do Digital Nomads meet Writing Deadlines? Nomadic Times contributor Indiana Lee shares tips and strategies to help globetrotters to keep their clients happy

Develop your Travel Writing Style: Tone and Author Avatars
How to use Author Avatars to define your writing tone, to improve the quality of your travel guide content.

Roundup of the best Travel Writing Articles
Here’s this month’s roundup of the best travel writing articles. Use these tips, inspiration, and information to keep your travel writing journey effective and inspired.

A Beginners Guide to Kobo Writing Life
Learn what software and steps it takes to create and distribute your ebook directly via Kobo Writing Life to earn more royalties than going via a distributor.

Develop Your Travel Writing Style: Point of View
Confused about which point of views you can mix together when writing a travel guide? Use this guide and writing exercise to improve your travel writing.