I recently soft-launched a new non-fiction book “Freewriting for travel writers“, which is a concise how-to guide that teaches you everything you need to know to start your freewriting journey to help you improve the quality of your own travel writing.
I’ve found freewriting to be a useful travel writing tool, and here are the four key benefits for incorporating freewriting into your writing regime:
1. It Opens the Creative Floodgates
Freewriting is a technique writers use to tap into their creative side. It can be used to overcome writer’s block, or a warm-up exercise to get your writing muscles working.
The goal is to fill the page with words that flow from you like a stream of consciousness. You do this by relaxing your conscious mind so that your subconscious mind takes over.
2. It Liberates your Writer’s Voice
Freewriting allows you to access a stream of creativity that lies just below the surface of your consciousness. Train your mind to access those thoughts, and you will release your inner creative writer.
The most challenging aspect of freewriting is to break the bad habits that interfere with your ability to channel those subconscious thoughts. It’s about tuning out your conscious thoughts, and tuning into the subconscious ones.
3. It helps you Master that Little Voice in your Head
We all have a little voice in our heads that criticizes and comments on everything we do, see, and hear. Rather than using that little voice to correct spelling or grammar, or criticize your writing as you write, surrender to it. Tap into your subconscious and capture what your little voice is saying.
The more you free write the easier it becomes. Stick with it and you’ll reap the benefits. Most writers need to practice freewriting multiple times before it feels natural and effective. So be patient.
4. It Transitions you from Analytical to Creative
Freewriting will help you move from conscious (deliberate) writing to subconscious (automatic) writing. When you achieve success, your words will stream from you without consciously thinking about them.
If you’re usually an analytical thinker, freewriting may sound a little “out there”, and to be honest that was my initial impression. But once you’ve used the freewriting technique a few times you will start to feel more attuned to your creative side.
Free Travel Writing Prompt Workbooks
To help you on your freewriting journey I included 100 travel writing prompts in my “Freewriting for Travel Writers” ebook. But starting last month, I’m bundling 10 of these prompts into a FREE downloaded workbook. Each PDF has space for you to practice freewriting with ten thought-provoking writing prompts.
Click the image below for more information about my free downloads.
The first one is available now, and the rest will be added over the coming months.
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