I’ve had more than my fair share of new cities, London included. As anyone who has tried to get to grips with Britain’s capital knows, it can be an overwhelming place.
Today’s author interview is with Amber Farrington who relocated to London, living and breathing the challenges of a this new city and then wrote about in it in her new book, The London Hustler.
It’s the “been there, done it, got the tee-shirt” ebook Amber used as the vehicle to capture and share her experiences, tips, and advice with fellow travelers planning on spending time in London. Her book also provides new insights to locals who are looking to view the city they call home, in a different light. Read on to find out how she wrote and self-published her destination guide. ~~ Jay
(p.s. adore your cover Amber!)
Author Interview: Amber Farrington
How would you describe the type of books/genre you write?
Practical guides sharing knowledge, experience and insights.
What motivated you to start writing?
I have always loved writing – even as a very young child. I first discovered my ‘flow’ with writing when I began creating poems, I would sit with a pen and paper and the poems just wrote themselves. I found my biggest creative inspiration when I was writing. The London Hustler was born out of personal experience though. My journey here went from one of struggle and overwhelm to one of joy and connection.
Over time I discovered some very unique and creative (yet oddly simple) ways to save money meet new people, settle in and just completely fell in love with London! I met so many other people that were experiencing similar emotions and hardships and so I was motivated to write this book to help them adjust and discover the magic way sooner and more effortlessly than I did.

Tell us the journey you went on to get The London Hustler published (e.g. direct on your website, self-published, assisted-publishing, traditional publisher)
I self-published on Amazon. As it was designed as an ebook primarily, I knew Amazon would offer me the simplest and most efficient path into being published.
What publishing elements do you most enjoy and most like to avoid, and why? (e.g. design, marketing, formatting etc.)
I am lucky that I had a great Editor helping me with the formatting as this does not interest me one bit. I would have preferred to avoid the marketing side of it, but it is really quite unavoidable! I felt I had worked hard to get it published and just wanted to put my feet up and have a rest for a while, but I understand that the marketing component is a necessity.
For future books I would be happy to avoid it though!
With the hindsight of being a published author, anything you would have done differently?
I would have started the marketing side of it much sooner. I also would have researched more to gain a greater understanding of the Amazon KDP requirements and the details around pre-orders, price promotions, etc.

What tips or advice would you give an aspiring indie author who is looking to self-publish?
Self-publishing is amazing because you have complete freedom! Just be sure to consult the necessary experts like editors and designers to assist you. You still want your book to look and feel professional.
What marketing or promotional tools or techniques do you use to reach your readers?
I used Facebook, Instagram and my friends (and their networks) a lot. I also placed a few free ads and ran a 5 day free promotion from launch day to boost interest and downloads. This worked very well to build interest. I also hosted a Book Launch party and invited Press along.
What impact do you want your books to have on your readers?
The London Hustler is a complete guide for someone moving to the City (as well as having useful pointers for existing Londoners!). It is my intention that it will help my readers to settle in, figure out how to save money, make new connections and fall in love with London. I want them to know that they are not alone in facing challenges, and that once you get through them, London can be the most magical and expansive place to live. Already I have had messages from readers expressing how relatable and useful the content is so that’s encouraging!
What is your latest book about?
The London Hustler is the book that I wish someone had given me when I first moved to London. It is packed full of great tips on how to settle in, specific networks to join, places to go, ways to save money, travel more, meet new people, explore new things and maximize your time in The Big Smoke. It’s a mix of personal experiences and practical insights all designed to help you get the most out of everything this amazing city has to offer from day 1 – without the struggle and overwhelm.
What’s next on your writing journey?
As a Transformational Coach and Energy Healer, I plan to write many more books in the future – mostly around personal development, finding inspiration and living your authentic life.
About the Author
Amber began her career in Finance before following her passion into Education. Writing had always been her hobby, but it wasn’t until she moved to London that she wrote her first complete book. She loves travelling and has spent considerable amounts of time in Europe, Afric
a, Asia, USA and her native Australia These days she works as a Transformational Coach and Energy Healer, empowering others to live their most inspired and happiest life.
- Website: www.exploreinspiretransform.wordpress.com
- Facebook: @amber.farrington.96
- Instagram: @thelondonhustler