Twenty years ago I tried my first solo backpacking trips around South East Asia and as well as being an exciting adventure to immerse myself into the cultures of Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia – it was an empowering experience. Backpacking transported me to survival zone where I had to focus on securing a roof over my head and a meal for my belly before I could even begin to think about enjoying the environment.
I didn’t even think about writing about my backpacking journey back then, so it was exciting to read Alexandra’s travel memoir, which chronicles the physical and spiritual journey and transformed her life. Today she’s sharing her indie author experience with you to inspire your own writing and creative journey. ~~ Jay
Author Interview: Alexandra Holovitz
How would you describe the type of books/genre you write?
I recently released my first book. It’s a diary-style travel memoir book about year-long travel across the world from New Zealand to Asia. It’s a self-actualization book mixed with travel tips, spiritual, personal development and life lessons.
What motivated you to start writing?
It was always my dream to become a published author. Share empowering stories and inspire people to dare to live an authentic life. I wrote my book after my travels, in need of expressing all creativity within myself and to share all the wonderful travel experiences and conclusions I have learned during my trip, volunteering and spiritual practice.
I want to inspire, encourage women to take a plunge, bet on their own self. Forget social stigmas, restrictions and boundaries and follow their heart to live their dreams and passions in life. I would like to motivate women to step out of their comfort zone, live more, find true happiness and embrace their true self! Going alone might seems to be scary at first, but I firmly believe it’s necessary to grow as a person.
Since my travels I have gained so much power within myself, become way more authentic, confident and loving! After the trip I finally got rid of my need to be perfect – the ‘fear’ of what if I don’t write well enough, what if no-one likes what I need to say? And reframe those fears into empowered thoughts such as: what if people like it? what if it will help others to embark a wonderful self-discovery journey too? What if my books and story will encourage women?
It’s all in your mind. Shifting the mindset and just going for it, has changed everything. I started to see purpose with my writing and attracted the right people to help me realise my dream.
Tell us the journey you went on to get your books published (e.g. direct on your website, self-published, assisted-publishing, traditional publisher)
During my travels, I have learned one thing: things get done, when you dare to get over your fears and act. It was never a question for me that I would love to self-publish my books and actively participate in their launch, design, promotion! Once the manuscript was ready, I was looking for ways how to self-publish my book. That’s when I was recommended to an editor, Mark Davis, who has assisted me enormously since then making my dream project into reality.
What publishing elements do you most enjoy and most like to avoid, and why? (e.g., design, marketing, formatting, etc.)
I love having control over the production of my book – selecting the fonts, layout, design elements. Especially enjoyed putting together the visual component of the book – the cover! A great, professionally designed cover is vital in getting noticed! Going through of a year of travel pictures – selecting the one would tell the ‘story’ well enough and help me connect with I readers – was fantastic. It was such an exciting experience it always makes me want to jump on a plane and travel again!
It’s heart-lifting process seeing your book ( your baby) coming altogether – reaching its final stage! Putting together the little pieces of the puzzle and seeing the beautiful outcome! Its a sensation of all creative artist feels when they give birth to their masterpiece! Expressing your inner world in a hope to help others. It’s a phenomenal, rewarding feeling!
With the hindsight of being a published author, anything you would have done differently?
Probably the marketing! I would have built up earlier some relationship with travel bloggers, influencers to help to market my book. As we speaking, I’m doing that and realizing, marketing and researching marketing promotions would take almost the same time and effort as writing the book. Otherwise, I’m pleased to have self-published (assisted-published) my book, so I can have a say about everything that happens with it! I have heard way too many stories from other authors losing control over their work, which I would not like to go through!
What tips or advice would you give an aspiring indie author who is looking to self-publish?
Self-publishing just as the same as solo-traveling. You need to believe yourself and just go for it! Take one step at the time. Be brave! Don’t forget to manage your expectations! Publishing a book, it’s a great start, however not the end of the journey. As I have just recently released my book, now learning how to market it, connect with readers, travel influencer and get the word out of my book! It’s just as important, if not more than writing a good book!
My advice: Make a marketing plan from publishing to distribution then it will be a more straightforward process!
What marketing or promotional tools or techniques do you use to reach your readers?
I’m still learning and experimenting with social media. Before my travels, I haven’t used any of the platforms, so I am still learning and mastering the art of sharing the experience. I found fascinating that some pictures and writings work so well on one platform ( gets lots of shares and likes) don’t have any impact on other platforms. Personally, I love the visual effect, and I have reached the most success with my Instagram account. It is also crucial that you as a writer feel right about the promotion.
What impact do you want your books to have on your readers?
I would love to inspire and empower women to travel solo. Take the plunge, pack their bags and embark on their first solo long-term to re-connect their true authentic self. Heal their inner child and re-discover their dreams that they have been lost, forgot, pushed on site during growing up! Women these days has lots of social requirements they need to attend, so often feels overwhelmed or running out of time to excel in all!
I believe solo travel can open up new horizons for women, help them to see what path of lifestyle they want to go in their life! Some just born more free-spirited than others, and that’s okay. If you were born free, setting yourself open with a solo trip will empower you and bring you more happiness then you ever dream of.
What is your latest book about?
My book is about a girl who embarks on a spiritual journey to face her insecurities, fears, doubts in life and is reborn as a powerful women!
What’s next on your writing journey?
I would like to write two more books. One would be a sexy-travel book about working on cruise ships and the exciting after-hour stories what happens below decks. The other book would be about how to go from shy to confident lover – sex, kink, intimacy with yourself and your lover from a women’s perspective.
Get inspired to chronicle your own #TravelAdventure by reading about this travel memoir by Alexandra from @flipflopuniverz Click To Tweet
Alexandra Holovitz Author Bio:
Alexandra was born and raised in Hungary in a small town. Her burning desire and curiosity for exploring the world were obvious at even a young age.
Alexandra has been working and living around the world for the last ten years. She has worked across the globe and visited over 90 countries. Now she is rediscovering many of them as a solo female traveler. In 2016 she took the plunge and quit her corporate job in London. She bought a ticket, packed her bag and started the adventure of a lifetime half-way across the globe, New Zealand.
Her journey in this book seen through the personal challenges and transformations is an inspiration to anyone daring themselves to let go and travel the world to reconnect with their true self. Through traveling, she reawakened her spiritual and feminine side and merge it with an online business to help other women find their passion and sexiness through her online courses, books, and blog.
The “Flip Flop Universe” is where she shares her travel stories, daily inspirations and motivate people to live a more happy and authentic life.
You can join Alexandra’s adventures on the www.flipflopuniverse.com and start yours.
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