This article is part of my Beginner’s Guide to Self-publishing direct with ebook Retailers series.
Do you want to self-publish your ebook directly on Barnes & Noble Press and make your book available to read on their Nook or any other ereader or ebook reader? Here’s the information you need to create a direct relationship with them to publish your ebook.
About Barnes and Noble Nook
In 2009, Barnes & Noble became a leader in ebooks, offering over 1 million titles in its ebooks store and launching their Nook e-reader, but in its 2017 annual report they noted that sales of Nook devices and accessories fell by nearly 35% and digital content fell by 18% (during the April 2016 to April 2017 period).
It’s anyone’s guess where this retailer is heading, but as of press time, Barnes & Noble are still committed to supporting the ebook market.
- Barnes & Noble Retail Site: bit.ly/H2-Barnes
- Travel Guides on Barnes & Noble: bit.ly/H2-BarnesTG
Barnes & Noble Press Author Interface
The interface and steps to upload and list your book on Barnes & Noble Press (formerly known as Nook Press) are easy and intuitive. Even if you’re a non-U.S. citizen you can still publish directly with Barnes & Noble.
- Barnes & Noble Press: bit.ly/H2-BarnesPress
- Tax Information: bit.ly/H2-BarnesTax
Barnes & Noble Press Author Pages
The Barnes & Noble website doesn’t feature author pages.
Barnes & Noble Press Publication Timeline
When you hit the publish button, it takes 72 hours to list your ebook in the Barnes & Noble Store.
Barnes & Noble Press File Requirements
You can use any word processing program to format your file, but they recommend using Microsoft Word or Mac Pages.
- File types accepted: DOC, DOCX TXT, HTML, and EPUB
- File type read: EPUB
- File size limit: 100MB
- File Formatting Guidelines: bit.ly/H2-BarnesFmt
Barnes & Noble Press ISBN Requirements
Barnes & Noble will assign your book a European Article Number (EAN)—a unique 12 or 13-digit identification number that helps with inventory tracking.
Barnes & Noble Press Upfront Costs
Barnes & Noble doesn’t charge a fee for distributing your ebooks.
Barnes & Noble Press Author Royalties
If you set a list price of $2.99 USD or more you will earn maximum royalties of 65%. If your list price is less you’ll receive a 40% royalty rate.
Here’s how this would be calculated for a $2.99 book, based on Barnes & Noble taking 35%:
- Going direct you would receive a 65% royalty rate ($1.94)
Barnes & Noble Press Going Direct Alternative
Using $2.99 as an example list price, if you don’t want to go direct with Barnes & Noble, you could (for example) distribute to them via:
- PublishDrive and Smashwords (Royalty Rate: 90% of list price): They would keep 10% of your list price (-$0.29), and that would be deducted from the 65% royalty rate received from Kobo ($1.94), leaving you with a royalty payment of around ($1.64)
- Draft2Digital (Royalty Rate: 85% of Net): Based on the 65% royalty rate paid by Kobo ($1.94), Draft2Digital would take 15% of this ($0.29), leaving you with a royalty balance of around ($1.77)
Read about the key information you need to know about before distributing your ebook direct with Barnes and Noble Nook #selfpub #indieauthor Click To Tweet
Read more articles in my How to Write a Travel Guide Series
I’m putting the finishing touches on my How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide Series, which details a step by step approach for writing and producing your own travel guide. It’s part of a four-part series aimed at helping travel bloggers achieve passive income based on their passions and existing content.
Do you have any advice on how to get an EPUB file down to no more than the 20MB maximum file size that Barnes & Noble allows? The book is only about 175 pages (when done as a print version), with about 10 color photos in my original document. However, when exported to an EPUB version, it ended up as 55MB.
I was able to reduce the image file sizes significantly, thus reducing my original document file size to 4MB. However, when I convert it to EPUB, it becomes about 35MB, still much too large to upload to B&N.
I didn’t have any issues uploading my ebook to KDP or Apple Books – it is only B&N that is an issue.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.
What program or software are you using to create your epub file?
Open the epub and expand it, and it will contain multiple folders, and they’ll be one image folder. Take a look at the image file sizes and see which ones are large and need reducing. Reduce the resolution to 72 or 96. Reduce the file width to around 700 or 800 pixels, and then replace your images.
A word of warning about uploading large files to KDP – yes they have no problem accepting large files, because if you choose the 70% royalty rate they are charging you for that large file size delivery. If you choose the lower rate, then the file delivery is free.
Does B&N provide formatting services (either free to author/publisher or at a cost) to enable formatting an eBook with a table of contents?