Although the goal of these 3 tips on using bloggers to promote your book, you need make sure you’re adding value to their audience and not just touting your book. The most useful book promotion content is one that answers an audience need or solves an audience’s problem.
Don’t approach these activities with “what’s in it for me?” — instead you should focus on, “what’s in it for them?”
1. Advanced Review Copies to Bloggers
- Send advance review copies to blogger review sites, or bloggers who include book review posts.
- Keep track of who you send your book to, and promote the article during your launch linking back to the host blog.
- Incorporate a link to the article on your Author Platform to use as social proof of your subject matter expertise.
2. Author Interviews on Blogger’s Podcasts
- Find bloggers who produce a podcast, and offer them an interview on your topic.
- The focus of your topic shouldn’t be about “selling your book”, it’s about adding value to their podcast audience. Of course a side benefit is that you get to promote your book, but it can’t and shouldn’t be a sales pitch. Your book should be offered as part of the solution.
3. Do A Blog Tour
- Offer free downloads of exceprts of your book to bloggers to feature on their blogs.
- Choose a couple of opening chapters, or pick specific sections from the book that address a specific topic.
Do you have more tips on using bloggers during your book launch? Let me know what’s worked for you in the comment section below.
3 Tips for enlisting bloggers in your #nonfiction book launch. Click To TweetQuick Tips
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