Guest blogging grew out of a desire to have influential websites link back to your blog to improve your SEO. Over the years Google has continued to refine their algorithm (the specifics of which remains under wraps). But guest blogging is still an effective way of using quality content to increase your audience reach and raise your blog’s profile. In this article you’ll find out how to make sure your guest blogging efforts are effective.
Here’s my October roundup of recent articles on being a guest blogger. They will help you find blogging opportunities, understand why guest blogging is still an important content marketing technique, and what guest blogging mistakes to avoid.
(1) Eat Sleep Love Travel – Weekly Guest Interview
Vicky over at Eat Sleep Love Travel is looking for guest bloggers to feature in their weekly Guest Interview section. If you are a travel blogger and would like to take part just get in touch and they will send you the questions they would like you to answer.
Travel bloggers share a little bit about themselves, what kind of traveler they are and how they fund their travel, as well as their travel bucket lists, packing essentials and the best and worst places they’ve traveled too. These interviews are a great way to connect with other travel bloggers and finding out a little bit more about what make them happy and why.
(2) 6 Reasons Why Guest Blogging Still Matters
Amanda Clark is the president and editor-in-chief of Grammar Chic, Inc., and she guest blogged over at Business2Community to explain six benefits you can expect from guest blogging.
Yet there are some strategies that are tried and true, and remain very much recommended. One of the best is guest blogging. Simply put, submitting authoritative posts to relevant blogs—other than your own—is one of the smartest ways you can build your online brand.
(3) 11 Benefits of SEO for Bloggers
If you’re a beginning blogger and don’t already follow Rob Powell’s posts you should start. His website is focused on traffic tips for first year bloggers, and in this insightful article he compares SEO and Guest Blogging techniques. Find out why SEO stands in
(SEO) stands in direct contrast to another traffic building technique that is often recommended for beginning bloggers – guest blogging…. At the heart of the guest posting approach is the idea that its connections, not content, that determines whether or not you succeed as a blogger.
(4) Get Guest Posts and Find Guest Bloggers
Have you heard about the Get Guest Posts Google Outreach Community?
It’s a three thousand strong community of people offering guest posts or looking for guest bloggers to appear on their blog. If you’re looking for a contributor on a specific topic you can post your request in the community. Likewise, if you are looking for host blogs for your guest post you can post it here too.
(5) How to Write a Great Guest Blog Post
It’s all too easy to focus on providing quality content in guest posts and miss an opportunity by not double checking that our content will also help us achieve our goals. This post from Common SEO Questions includes a roundup of 4 techniques to think about when writing your guest post. It’s a short article but includes an important step in the #1 slot – Start with the Goal in Mind.
It is important for writers of guest blog posts to understand why they are submitting these articles in the first place. Is it to gain exposure for their brand? Is it to find new customers? Or is it to simply express a new opinion regarding a trending topic?
(6) Using Twitter and Other Non-Google Platforms to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities
Google is a great resource for finding guest blogging opportunities, but guest blogger Tori Galatro (appearing on Amy Morse’s Authorpreneur blog) has some suggestions for using Twitter and other platforms to source your guest blogging opportunities. If you’re active on social media how about using these connections to find your next blog host.
Just remember: any platform that connects you with other people can lead to guest blogging opportunities. So, get creative, keep your eyes open, and use your resources.
Amy also hosts a Build Your Blog: Mini Workshop over on Teachable. It is divided into two parts (Hosting Guests and Being a Guest) and is a standalone component of a much broader in-depth course about blogging which is still in development.
(7) A-Z of Blogging: G is for Guest Blogs
Make Your Copy Count have published a comprehensive (and visually engaging) A-Z of Blogging list. The article includes links to more information for each letter, and G is for Guest Blogs. As well as discussing benefits to the guest blogger they also highlight the benefits to the host blog.
There’s some great information here and you’ll lose time disappearing down the rabbit holes of effective hyperlinking between the topics on their A-Z list.
(8) Why You Suck at Guest Blogging (and What The Pros Do Differently)
Peter Sandeen over at Smart Blogger helps to debunk the myths and claims about the benefits of guest blogging. Is it the right tactic for you, and if so, how do you do it right so that it becomes an effective audience building tool?
The truth – guest blogging is still an awesome strategy for getting more traffic. But only if you do it right. And that means avoiding the mistakes that cause most guest bloggers – including you – to screw it up.
Additional Articles about Guest Blogging
- (9) Why Guest Blogging is the Best Marketing Strategy
- (10) Guest Posting as a Powerful Link Building Method
- (11) The Top 11 Benefits of Guest Blogging
Leave me a comment and let me know if you’ve written or read an interesting article about #guestblogging. Knowledge is Power!
Click here for my list of a 100+ Travel Blogs that accept Guest Posts
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Some really great articles in this post Thx for sharing.